A Schrödinger's Cat of a place

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I remember reading somewhere there was this American journalist guy back in the early 1900s who made a whole name for himself from collecting evidence and stories about things that didn't fit. His name was Charles Fort, I think? He'd have had a field-day for sure about Aunt Kat's farm - nothing about it fits, nothing about it makes sense.

A Schrödinger's Cat of a place: both there and not-there, both at the same time, depending on what we choose to see when we open the box.

And yet there's real evidence from it - the books, the papers, the clothes and all that that I rescued from there, before it all vanished into nowhere.

My very own Fortean event, you might say. My very own thing that almost no-one else will believe, despite all the evidence.


Challenging, too. Especially when everyone else seems over-certain about things that aren't certain at all.


Kind of like the Commonwealth itself, I guess. Every bit of evidence about it tells me that it made - makes - a heck of a lot more sense than that what we live with right here and now. But in our reality, both then and now, too many people not wanting it to exist - so it can't. Not here. Not now. Not yet.

Yet there's a choice in there somewhere. A Schrödinger's Cat kind of choice, about how we choose to 'collapse the wave-function' of reality itself. A reality built of choices about what we choose to make real.

The more I read of Aunt Kat's papers, the more real the Commonwealth becomes for me. And yes, it's something I want to make real. Very.

For me, that's enough of a 'Why', right there.

But how? - that's the hard part. The choice alone is not enough... - it needs more. Much more. For a start, support that choice with much more action.

Yet what actions? With whom? And, again, how? Not enough idea as yet. Dive back into the papers to find out more, I guess.

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