Help Him, Please

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It's Newt and Lainey.

At first, Lainey seems like she could very easily just punch my head off my shoulders, but then she looks at Jeremy and he face goes white.

"You guys have to help me, help him!" I beg, "he has a very high fever, if we don't take care of it, he's gonna die!"

They get the picture.

They rush over and Newt takes him from me, slinging him over his shoulder. Lainey takes my hand and we both rush off to the MedJack hut. Newt right behind us.

When we arrive, Newt quickly puts Jeremy on the bed and me and Lainey get to work.

Lainey works so fast it's amazing. Of course I'm just a useless lump. Standing off to the corner, completely struck with horror and shock.

Newt came over to me and say me down on his lap. It wasn't weird because he was like my big brother. If he wasn't I would have likely kicked him in the shin.

I watch as Lainey pulls out a needle. A very thick needle. In the glade there were no thin needles, and getting a shot hurt extremely badly.

Jeremy's eyes widen as he sees the needle, and I turn and put my head on Newts shoulder. I cat bear to see Jeremy in pain. I just can't. I flinch and squeeze my eyes shut and Jeremy shouts out in pain.

Newt holds me and rocks me back and forth, until I eventually fall asleep.

At one point in the night, I wake up just a little bit. I can feel someone carrying me. It must've been Newt. I tilt my head up, eyes groggy with sleep.

"Is Jeremy okay?" I croak.

"Yes, he's fine. Now go back to sleep little Glader." I hear him respond before I do fall back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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