The Constantly Disappearing Glader Girl

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I look over at Gally and, wow. He's badly injured. His arms and legs are blistered and burned and his clothes are in tatters.

Jeff runs up to me and tells me what to do.

"Okay June. I know this is your first time actually dealing with something like this, but we need you to help. Your good with identifying the correct herbs for treatments right?" He asks.

I nod and say that this is my specialty.

"Okay good!"

He shows me a plant that I have never seen before. It's pale green and has dark green stripes on it. "Go into the DeadHeads and pick as many of these as you can!"

I take the plant and rush into the DeadHeads, searching for the plant. Finally I find a big patch of them and quickly pick as many as I can carry. I rush back to Jeff and Lainey as fast as my little feet can carry me. Which is apparently really fast.

I hand the herbs to Jeff who quickly thanks me. I ask if there is anything else I can do to help but he says it would be best if I just didn't get in the way. So I slump away, bummed that I didn't get to do any actual work.

I walk into the room I share with Lainey and plop down on my bed, completely bored out of mind. I sit there for a while, then realize how dirty my dress must be. I look down and, of course, it's smeared with dirt and grass stains.

I would've liked wearing a t shirt and shorts like what Lainey wears, but the only clothes in my size that the box sends up are dresses, leggings, shoes and undergarments. I don't mind wearing dresses. Newt says they look very pretty on me, and I like the way a dress flows begin me when I run in the Glade. Plus Lainey always puts my hair in two braids and tied them of with string or ribbon.

But still pants would be easier to run in and I doubt that I would get them ruined as easily.

I take off the white dress I'm wearing and put on a plain brown one that has a ruffle on the neckline. As I take the braids out of my hair I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I shout, probably a bit too loudly.

The door opens and Newt pops his head inside.

"Ughhhh," I moan. "Lainey's not here!"

He chuckles and comes in the room.

"I know Lainey isn't here! She's down at the pit helping Gally! I came here to see where you were, after Jeff said you could go you totally disappeared and nobody could find you. We thought you had gone off after Jeremy!" He explained.

I looked down. "Oh, Jeremy... Have you Heard anything about him lately?" I ask, hoping he had some sort of information.

He shakes his head and sits down next to me.

"I haven't heard anything about Jeremy, but you need to stop worrying about him and start worrying about yourself. Now this is the fourth time today you've disappeared without telling anyone were you went." Newt tells me, growing serious.

"When you and Jeremy disappeared, we thought the two of you had run into the maze together to avoid punishment. Then Zart told us that he saw you run behind the homestead. If you keep running off like this your going to get in more trouble than Jeremy is. You're a ten year old girl and you hardly know how to defend yourself." He adds looking me in The eyes.

I know that I run away a lot. I couldn't help it. I get upset very easily and I don't like being near other people when I do.

"I'm sorry," I sniffle, "I'll try not to run away any more."

Newt pulls me into a hug and tells me it's okay.

"Hey! Look on the bright side! The box comes up tomorrow and rumor has it that Alby and Minho requested a couple of surprises for you and Jeremy!" Newt tells me with a smile.

This makes me excited. He leaves the room and I soon fall asleep, dreaming of the adventures I would soon have.

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