Y/n walked onto the hogwarts express and searched the cabins until she found her friends. She smiled at them and waited for the train to start. Luna and Hermione exploded into telling each other all about their summers, Y/n couldn't help zone out and stare out into the ally of the train. Something caught her eye from the back, she turned around to see the boy she despised the most. Tom Riddle. She rolled eyes and joined back into the conversation with her friends.

The journey was pretty boring accept it was funny hearing all the muggle things Hermione did over the holidays like using this weird metal box called a toaster. Y/n had told Hermione that there wasn't any need for a 'toaster' but Luna butted in and reminded her that muggles can't use magic to cook. They laughed and very soon they arrived at Hogwarts. It was her and Hermione's 5th year and Lunas 4th. They had all got their stuff for the year ahead and Y/n and Hermione had got extra as they were having their O.W.L.S this year. Y/n wasn't as prepared as Hermione but she was pretty confident in most of her subjects. Especially transfiguration and defence against the dark arts.

They got off the train and Hermione joined Harry and Ron, two boys in her year. They were pretty hopeless with Hermione but both pretty good at defence against the dark arts however terrible at potions, even worse than Neville. Y/n wandered towards Hagrid as she has been sent a letter asked her to help him with the first years. She watched all the others year walk past in groups. The only person on their own was Tom Riddle, he winked at her as he walked past. Y/n ignored him, she knew if she acknowledged him then she would be stuck with him. She hated him, well not all of her hated him, a deep dark small part of her wanted to be wrapped in his arms entwined with him for eternity. Most people in here year were dating but y/n had never wanted to date unlike Harry and Draco. They were the power couple of Hogwarts. Over the summer it was rumoured that Tom and Pansy were dating but it turned out it was just Pansy being a bratty pick me girl and Tom shut her down multiple times.

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