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Main Characters:

Amelia Potter
~young Ellie Darcey- Alden~

"I'm nothing like my mother."


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Harry Potter -Young Daniel Radcliffe-

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Harry Potter
-Young Daniel Radcliffe-

"I can't be a wizard,"

"I can't be a wizard,"

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Narrator pov

It was a dark night, a hurtful night for many, but maybe a few good things came out of it. Professor Albus Dumbledore of Hogwarts was walking through a privet drive, it would have been fully pitch black dark if it wasn't for the street lights. The lights flickered. On, off, on, off. A cat meowed and Professor Dumbledore spoke, "I should've known that you would be here, Professor McGonagall."

Professor McGonagall was an animagus. She then turned back to her normal human self and said,
"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore." and they started to walk towards the home of Mr and Mrs Dursley.

"Are the rumors true, Albus?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"I'm afraid so, Professor," Albus says. "The good and the bad."

"And the twins?"

"Hagrid is bringing the twins."

"Do you think it is wise to trust Hagrid with something so important as this?" The professor asks the headmaster.

"Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life." Professor Dumbledore said that as a huge bright circle of light was spotted coming down from the sky once the two professors both looked up. The very loud engine flew down and stopped in front of them.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall." Hagrid, a big hairy half-giant spoke as he got up from the bike.

"No problems, I trust?" Dumbledore says

The big man, Hagrid answers, "They both fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. Tried not to wake them. Here you go."

Hagrid handed Professor Dumbledore the baby boy, Harry James Potter, and handed Professor McGonagall, the baby girl, Amelia Lily Potter. Amelia and Harry were twins, something terrible had happened to them that night and now they are orphans left with only their aunt, uncle, cousin, and well themselves.

The professors walked closer to the home. "Do you think it is safe to leave them here, with these types of people?" Professor McGonagall said worried. "I have watched them all day, they are the worst type of muggles." Muggles are people that do not have any magic in them, Yes magic is real and when the twins turn 11, they will go to the school called Hogwarts.

"They are," said Professor McGonagall trying to convince Albus, but no.

"They are the only family the twins have," said Albus Dumbledore.

"Their children will be famous, there will be no child in this world that won't know their names." Professor McGonagall says

"They are far better off growing up away from that until they are ready."

They laid both of them down, side by side. Hagrid sniffled which made Dumbledore and McGonagall turn around and look at him.

"There, there, Hagrid." Dumbledore comforted. "It's not really goodbye, after all."

And Dumbledore laid a note on the side of them, and spoke, "Good luck, Harry and Amelia Potter."

and they left the twins.

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