Starting Over (Long)

Start from the beginning

I look at the knife in my hand. I then look at my old scars. I look around just to make sure no one was there.
Rose? Where are you?
I hear Thomas asking in my head. We talk telepathy in our heads. So does me and Teresa. (All of my OG book worms where you at?!) We all talk to each other in our heads when we don't want to talk. It also gives up headaches and makes out noses and stuff bleed when we do it to much. I ignore his calls and raise my right hand where the knife was. I take deep breaths. I begin to push the knife in my skin. Before I could draw blood, I'm pushed to the ground and the knife is grabbed out of my hand.
"What is wrong with you!? Why would you do this!? ANSWER ME!" A voice screams. My eyes meet enchanted green eyes. Very angry, worried, and dark eyes.
"I...I-I"My voice trembling from fear. I've never seen this kind of Peter. He's always kind, and thoughtful. Well at least for me. But here? This is scary.

Peter sighs, still angry. He grabs my arm and starts dragging me to camp. He has a death grip on my arm.
"Peter-" I start but is soon interrupted.
"Shut up." Peter simply says. I hiss at the pain. I pull my arm back but it's useless.
"Peter!" I yell out.
He stops and turns around to face me. He gets closer to my face.
"Shut. Up." He raises his voice. He continues to drag me. We make it back to camp. But he doesn't let go.
He drags me all the way to his tent. He pushes me to the bed, then he walks to the desk and sits in the chair and starts going through papers.
"What are you doing?" I ask, wondering why I'm even here.
"What does it look like?" He ask not looking up from his papers.
"Well... what am I supposed to do?" I ask throwing my hands up.
"You..." he finally turns to me "are going to sit there because you are clearly incapable of being alone." He says gesturing to the bed. I roll my eyes.
After 20 minutes, "Come on." He says while walking out of the tent. I follow closely behind, he sits on the log I front of the bonfire. He starts playing the pipe. We all dance all night.
It was early and a couple hours before sun rise. Gally supposedly made his recipe from the Glade. But it was exactly like the one in the maze. We were all drinking the nasty drink, most of us are drunk and our words slurred. We were all talking about good and bad times in the glade. About when almost all the boys had a thing for me. Even Alby! I don't think I've ever been so disgusted and laughing my ass off at the same time.
I hear a whistle behind me. I turn curiously, I see Peter, his expression is unreadable. He gestures with his hand to go over there. I politely excuse myself then go to Peter. He doesn't say anything, he just walks to the jungle. I cautiously follow close be hind him. We end up on the cliff. It seems so different, sense the last time I've been here. There were weeds all along the cracks of the cliff and it seemed dusty. How long has it been? About a month. Peter sits down on the edge with his legs dangling. I slowly walk towards him and sit down next to him. He seems to be deep in thought. I just stay quiet and let him think. He finally breaks the silence.
"Why?" He ask. His voice is raspy and low.
"Why what?"
"Why...would you do that?" He ask slowly. He looks up. Avoiding his eyes, I look down at the drop. I shrug, not wanting to talk about it.
"Bullshit." He says while gets up.
"Well what answer do you want to hear, Peter?" I say getting up as well.
"I want to know why you tried to kill yourself!" He screams out. I stay silent.
"That's the second time you have done something harmful to yourself, love!" I look down at the ground. I don't say anything.
"So what? You want to die? You can't even look me in the eye and tell me what's going on with you!" He confronts. Tears blur my vision. He walk up to me.
He lifts my chin with his index finger.
"Look at me." He says in almost a whisper. I look up, and tears spill out of my eyes. He must think I'm weak.
"Turn around." He says. I look at him like he's crazy. He then gives me a 'just do it' look. I sigh, then turn around. He moves my hair out the way. Then he traces something on the back of my neck.
"Do you know what you tattoo on your neck says?" He ask tracing over it. I nod my head for a yes.
"Tell me." He whispers. I'm confused as ever.
"It says Group A. Subject A3: The Warrior" I tell him what my tattoo was. I don't really let anyone know about WICKED and the maze. Especially the new lost boys. Everyone will just looks at all of us like we're crazy.
"Exactly. Your a warrior. Your my warrior. My lost girl. I don't think you understand how much I care for you, Rose. And how guilty I would feel if you would end your life." He say turning me back around to look at me. I somehow don't believe me.
"Then why are you spending so much time with Teresa? And ignoring me like I don't exist. I mean, Felix acknowledges me more than you do the past few weeks." I explain.
He chuckles as if he knows something I don't know.
"I've been busy." He says looking down on me. The height difference is almost painful. Everyone always makes fun of me. Even Teresa is taller that me.
"You will never feel alone again. Your are mine." He says. I guess it's just him being overprotective and possessive. But he's always like that. He claims everything that lands on this island. I roll my eyes but laugh.
"We should get back to camp." I say. Peter looks down at my lips then eyes. He lets out a sigh and nods. He goes ahead.
"Hey Peter?" I ask behind him. He turns around. He hums in respond. I jog over to him.
"Thank you." I say. I then do something ballsy. I kiss him on the cheek. Then run off. I turn around before running in the jungle. He had a light tint of pink on his cheeks. I chuckle then run back to camp.
I hear Thomas.
Rosie? We need to talk!
I then hear... Teresa? Dang. What happened?
Is everything okay? I ask.
Yeah! I just really want to talk. She responds in a nervous voice.
One my way. I say before running faster. I wonder what she wants to talk about.

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