𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞.

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"Oh, gods," Hazel muttered. "Nico..."

"We'll rescue him," Percy promised her. "We have to. The prophecy says he holds the key to endless death."

"That's right," Piper said encouragingly. "Hazel, your brother went searching for the Doors of Death in the Underworld, right? He must've found them."

"He can tell us where the doors are," Percy said, "and how to close them."

Hazel took a deep breath. "Yes. Good."

From up above came a whirring sound like a large drill. "That's Festus," Leo said. "I've got him on autopilot, but we must be nearing Atlanta. I'll have to get up there... uh, assuming we know where to land."

Everyone turned to Percy and Lorna.

"Any ideas, Captain Salt Water?" Jason raised his eyebrow.

"Shut it, Aeroplane." Percy rebutted.

"Aeroplane? Really, Percy?" Lorna said. "Couldn't you come up with something better."

Percy filled her off.

"Somewhere central, high up so we can get a good view of the city. Maybe a park with some woods? We don't want to land a warship in the middle of downtown. I doubt even the Mist could cover up something that huge." Percy told Leo.

Leo nodded. "On it." He raced for the stairs, happy to be out of the room..

"When we land, Lorna and I will scout around in Atlanta," Percy said. "Frank, I could use your help."

"You mean turn into a dragon again? Honestly, Percy, I don't want to spend the whole quest being everyone's flying taxi."

"No," Percy said. "I want you with me because you've got the blood of Poseidon. Maybe you can help me figure out where to find salt water. Besides, you're good in a fight."

"I'm good in a fight too!" Coach Hedge added. "And I need some fresh air. Can we get enchiladas on the way?"

"A day out with Frank, a bloodthirsty satyr and my brother to find salt water in a landlocked city." Lorna said. "This, is going to be so much fun."

𝙻𝙾𝚁𝙽𝙰 𝙲𝙻𝙸𝙼𝙱𝙴𝙳 out on deck and said, "Wow."

They had landed near the summit of a forested hill. A complex of white buildings, like a museum or a university, nestled in a grove of pines to the left. Below them spread the city of Atlanta- a cluster of brown and silver downtown skyscrapers two miles away, rising from what looked like an endless flat sprawl of highways, railroad tracks, houses, and green swathes of forest.

"Ah, lovely spot." Coach Hedge inhaled the morning air. "Good choice, Valdez."

Leo shrugged. "I just picked a tall hill. That's a presidential library or something over there. At least that's what Festus says."

"I don't know about that!" Hedge barked. "But do you realize what happened on this hill? Frank Zhang, you should know!"

Frank flinched. "I should?"

"A son of Ares stood here!" Hedge cried indignantly.

"I'm Roman...so Mars, actually."

"Whatever! Famous spot in the American Civil War!"

"I'm Canadian, actually."

"Whatever! General Sherman, Union leader. He stood on this hill watching the city of Atlanta burn. Cut a path of destruction all the way from here to the sea. Burning, looting, pillaging- now that was a demigod!"

LOST AT SEA | jason graceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora