ways they eat a kitkat

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Eren: doesn't split it and just bites into it

Armin: breaks it into ⅛ and eats them 1 at a time

Mikasa: teaching eren how to eat it properly

Jean: does the same as Eren so Mikasa will help him

Marco: eats it normally

Historia: eats it using cutlery because she's royal 🙌

Ymir: doesn't like kitkats

Connie: gets those ones that are 4 instead of 2

Sasha: shoves the whole thing in her mouth at once

Mike: *intense sniffing inspection* before eating it

Erwin: "no time for junk food we have expeditions to plan"

Levi: someone put the kikats on the top shelf

Moblit: stopping Hanji from choking

Hanji: trying to see how many she can fit in her mouth

Pixis: just doesn't

Nile: too scared to try new things

Hannes: kind of eats it normally..?

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