Prologue: Strange Diary

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Hello, everyone. My name is Sunil Redwood, and I am a professional historian, even though I always wanted to be a hero in my childhood. I threw away that childish dream for something unachievable long ago, since I knew that such a thing as heroes do not exist in our world. I am also kind of an archeologist, as besides researching history, I perform excavations to find different historical artifacts. After discovering them, I clean them off and research them. After that, I usually add them to my collection. I own a bookshelf that I use not for books, but for the artifacts that I have discovered. I have collected many, although most of them could be considered garbage by other people. I am talking about things like old jewelry, or bottle caps from bottles of beverages made by extinct brands. I have found major things, though, for example, I once found a legitimate grave in a cornflower field. The skeleton was of an elderly man. There were other things inside of the grave as well, like a pair of swords and some jewelry. One of the pieces of jewelry was a ring with "Helena" engraved on it. This was probably an engagement ring or a promise ring, judging by the fact that whoever the skeleton belonged to was certainly not named Helena. Another ring said "Julius" on it. A third one said "Kevin", and the fourth and final one said "Anna". Why were all of these strange rings in the man's grave? Were they given to him by his friends, or what? Well, that could be the only explanation for FOUR rings, each with names engraved on them, being in a man's grave, none of the names being the man's name. I investigated further to find out more about the life of this man buried in the cornflower field. I found one more significant thing. It was a book. Well, what I thought at first glance to be a book. I dusted it off, and saw that "Personal Diary" was written on the cover. This is...the man's diary! This must be a HUGE discovery! There must be so many things in the diary, like the man's name, the names of his family and friends, and all of the ups and downs in his life...Oh my god, this is so exciting! How hasn't anyone else discovered this ancient grave? If they did, why is everything untouched? I decided to put these questions to the back of my mind and just collect all of the artifacts. After I collected all of the jewelry, as well as the diary and the dual swords, I went home. I cleaned everything off properly and put it on my artifact shelf. I did leave the diary in a separate place to read what was written in it by its owner. The next installments of my experiences will simply be the pages of the diary with no comments or edits of my own. That's all for this entry.

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