They're All Here

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Arthur POV

I awake with the worst hangover, like a hide twelve tankard of mead and then hit my head across a log. I groan and attempt to sit up, jumping when I realize someone is right beside me. Merlin. By the looks of it, he'd fallen asleep ages ago, resting his head on the edge of my bed, arms crossed.

I gently shake him awake, and he jolts swinging out his arms randomly. "Alright ninja man. Are you trying to cut someone's head off?"

"No!" He says defensively. "I was just...practicing. Yah that's it. Practicing."

"Practicing what exactly?" I ask, eyebrows raised in a very Gaius like gesture.

"Uh...martial arts?" He suggests weakly.

"Clot pole." I mutter. "Wait a second, something's different about you."

Merlin bites his lip nervously when I narrow my eyes at him, inspecting every inch of his body.

"Gaius...well, he told me to give you a chance. He says you don't really want to kill me. That it's all a trick to mess with my mind."

"Well, he'd be right. I don't want to kill you, just Morgana. She did this to you, and I want to make her pay."

"About that, when you went all crazy and started screaming that you were going to kill "her", it was Morgana, wasn't it?"

"It was. I'm just so angry. She made you think I wanted to murder you. She made you think I was just like my father. I want you to know now Merlin, I respected Uther, but he made many mistakes. As a result of his irrational hatred towards those with magic, he became vengeful and most of all lonely. I never want to be like him. Ever."

"I know, or at least I think I do, if she hasn't messed that up too. It's just, even if you do by some miracle regain my trust, those memories will never leave, even if they aren't real. They will haunt me for the rest of my life. You "attempting" to kill me all those times...something like that, you can never forget."

"I'm sorry. You didn't deserve this. You deserve happiness more than just about anyone I know, and yet you always seem to go through the most pain. And I'm sorry. So sorry."

"Wow. Three apologies in the same speech. Somehow, it just doesn't seem like you to they to anybody...especially not me." I laugh, swinging my arm around his shoulder. Merlin tenses for a second, but upon seeing my happy smile, relaxes, laughing along as well.

As we exit my chambers, I swear on my life though, I see Gaius smiling at me from behind the door. The next moment he's gone though, so I shrug it off before stating,

"Come on Merlin. We should go find Gaius. Get him to give us the location of this Alastor guy so we can get your real memories back."

"I think real memories would be nice."

"Agreed." I say firmly.


Gaius POV

Huh...that actually worked...


Merlin POV

"Alright Gaius. The two days are up. Where is this bloody sorcerer of yours?" Arthur asks.

"Patience sire. He will come, trust me. And besides, the original purpose of him being here has already been served."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Merlin questions curiously while Arthur looks on, slightly angry.

"What I mean Merlin is as bad as Arthur wanted for you to have your real memories back, what he wanted most was to have his best friend back."

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