It's not all Bad

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"Thank God you're in my life Bad. I don't know what I'd do without you. You're really sweet, you know that? I don't think anyone could ever not see that."

My eyes brimmed with salty tears, why do I think about that so much? It's painful. Hah.

What could I do without you?

A lot apparently. He didn't even try to keep me in his life- as soon as he got a girlfriend, he was gone.

I mean, he texts me. On occasion. We stream together still. But it's- it's definitely not the same.

"Bad, you're so silly. Why would I forget about you? You're my best friend, you don't need to worry about it."

I was your best friend, wasn't I?

Until she came around.

Then all of a sudden it was an "I'm busy" or "I'm hanging out with my girlfriend." What happened to hang out with me? What happened to me being unforgettable? Why was I so easily replaceable to you?

Do I even mean that much to anyone? Does anyone- does anyone even remember me?

Am I just another person to fill up spots in streams? The one who's always available?

I sighed, I was getting nowhere holding this conversation with myself in my head. So, I got up.

Maybe scrolling through Twitter won't be so bad right now. There were the usual couple of fan-arts with him and Skeppy, or Rat and I, and then I saw something new.

Me and Quackity. Not a lot of people draw me with Quackity, I wonder how many drawings there are...

Clicking on the tweet to get the hashtags, I see #quackhalo, #bbqtwt, and #bbqfanart.


Doesn't that stand for barbecue..?

Welp. Just another case of stans not realizing the similarities for names I suppose. I laughed a little bit at that, stans come up with the weirdest names for things sometimes.

I decided to come back to the hashtag later and went back to just scrolling through my home page.

AnotherMCYTstan tweeted:

Quackity is streaming on his alt! Time to go watch it ig >:0

Hm... It wouldn't hurt to check it out. I clicked on twitch, and lo and behold, Quackity was indeed streaming on his alt.

I settled into my bed, carefully putting my blankets over my legs as I leaned onto the wall. It's a bit cold in my room, so I was thankful I had the forethought to be wearing a hoodie. The cool purple blankets would help too, eventually.

I put on Quackity's stream and closed my eyes.

"It's a chill stream, guys! A chill stream!

I don't really have a plan for this, to be honest"

The phrase was followed with light laughter from the younger.

My face contorted into a smile, and I peeked out of one of my eyes to see Quack's smile and him leaning forwards.

He's always lit up my day, I don't really have an explanation as to why, but he always managed to brighten up even the most cloudy days.

I relaxed my shoulders, a pleasant shiver running down my spine, and went back to closing my eyes and just purely listening to Quack talk.

"Okay so let me tell you guys a story from the other day.

I was talking to Dream, as one does, and we were just chatting, okay chat? It was on the DreamSMP voice channels, so George joined the channel.

So basically, we were talking, and George joins, and he's all like, 'what are you doing with my Dream'. We laughed at him, of course, and he was like 'wait no, I didn't mean to say that.'

Which, I obviously knew, right, it's one of the classic bits, but it's funny, so I..."

I shook myself awake, and checked the time, and sighed.

Thank god I had only been asleep for thirty minutes.



I flitted my eyes across the room, panicking, and then realized that Quack's stream was still playing.

Oh. I had forgotten about that, how stupid. I smacked my forehead, as it should've been obvious that Quackity wasn't ACTUALLY here.

"Badboyhalo!! I can see you lurking in my chat, join the call."

I groaned, I had absolutely zero intentions of doing anything, but I would feel bad if I just ignored Quack.

So I got up and went to my gaming set-up, and clicked the power button to it.

Meanwhile, Quackity was still going on,

"Baaaaad! Come on! Don't just ignore me or I'll be sad."

I glanced at the screen, only to see Quackity fake pouting, which in all honesty made me laugh.

He was kind of cute doing that.

I shook my head as if that got rid of my thoughts, and eventually got onto Discord.

Sighing, I joined the voice call.

"Hello Quackity," I said, very warily.

I had muted the stream, so I could talk normally but also see Quackity's facial expressions.

Quackity didn't answer.


I looked at the stream to see Quackity being shocked, and the chat talking about how deep my voice is.

Huh? I didn't notice anything different about it.

"Hey ..Bad...

Did you just wake up?"

I tilted my head in confusion, even though I knew Quackity couldn't see it, "Uh, yeah I did, why?

Do I sound groggy?"

Quack laughed, "No, your voice is just deeper than normal I guess."

I guess he had even noticed.

"Oh.. uh. Oops?"

Quack basically howled at laughter at that, for what, I could not tell you.

Quackity paused for a second, assumedly to listen to a dono.

"Me definitely, I could definitely beat Bad at that."

"WHAT?! Not to be rude, but I can't see you being better than me at anything Quack," I retorted because heck if I'm going to let Quack just insult my honour like that.

"Quack? Interesting.

Anyways, Baaad. You don't even know what it is, I'm very sure I'm much better at it."

"What is it then."

Quackity giggled, and I could tell I was in for a ride, "The question was who could flirt better."

I immediately responded, "No, pretty sure I'm better at it."

"Oh yeah? Bet."

Oh, muffin. I have to go, I promised I'd help someone do something.

"Well. Not right now, but later it's a fight to the death Quackity I assure you that."

"Wowww Bad I'm pretty sure you're just stalling."

"NO! I actually have to go somewhere you MUFFINHEAD."


I might get you a part two for this
if u beg
/j /lh
but if u really do want a part two ask for it loll
WC: 1072

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