The Bliss

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Life can only
be understood
but it must
be lived forwards

Soon I was back home. Joseph has been checking up on me all the time. Seeing what I remember. All of them want me to forget what happened to me but really I can't wait to remember. It's better then knowing nothing at all.

But as of recently everyone had been stocking up more and more for the collapse. Joseph says now every night his mind is running wild with the thoughts of the collapse.

Faith has more angels then ever. John is doing confessions left and right. We have so so many soldiers. And more and more people are joining. Some faces I feel like I know. And I haven't seen Pratt in awhile. He seems like an important part of my past.

But Jacob keeps him locked away from me. I can't even leave my house most of the time i'm on a serious lock down. A few members only come in to restock my food. Then I'm left alone but I made it clear to them even if I remember I won't leave but they treat me like a prisoner.

How dare they?

But told i'm gonna rebel. I'm gonna leave my prison and go for a walk. So I get up and get ready. Since i'm on the very top floor no way I can jump out a window. I'm gonna sneak out the back door. I leave my house and walk down the stairs. I sneak around to the emergency stair case. My idiot self doesn't realize it's AN EMERGENCY STAIR CASE!

The alarm screams and all eyes go on me as a book it out. I here members yelling "TELL JOSEPH!" "HOPE COME BACK!" "CALL THE CHOSEN!" "OH LORD HELP US!"

I run and once i'm outside and run some more. So a louder alarm rung. One for reinforcements. FUCK!

I keep running. I need to escape the stupid alarm..but on top of the alarm there is a sweet melody playing and a sweet smell. Oh shit. They released bliss. I gotta run fast. I turn around and see trucks running at me at full speed and of course the one in front had a Jacob Seed driving with a Joseph Seed in the passenger seat.

Then a puff of green smoke reveals Faith. I swat her away. "Hope why are you running..?" I hear her voice in ears. "Go away!" I cover my ears and keep running. My head pounds and pounds as a bullet hits my leg. Ouch what the hell!

I've found myself in a bridge it seems so familiar. I stop running and turn to the members on my ever side.

"Hope stand still you've got bliss in your system come home...please?" Joseph cries out. The bliss mixed with adrenaline is the greatest night i've ever felt. I smile and look at the deep blue water below the bridge. In an instant Jacob calls out to me "Don't even think about it!" He begins to walk to me and I jump off the bridge

As I fall it seems to be in slow motion. I see Faith as I fall as if she's falling with me. I smile at her. She's a sight to behold. Her green eyes and blond hair make her look so angelic. Oh my Faith...lead me to the bliss.. I hit the cold water..

Sorry i haven't updated!! I've been busy with finals 😥 But i hope you enjoy this it's kinda a short chapter. But also #1 in John Seed?!! Whoa!! Tysm guys 🥰❤️

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