As it fell

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"Faith why would you tell her about her past especially the old name bit!" I hear John yelling.

"She wanted to know we can't lie forever!" Faith growls at John.

"Shut up the both of you! Hope probably went into another concussion hopefully leading to her forgetting again." Jacob grunts.

"Why can't she remember? It's not like she'd leave us she loves us!" Faith says.

I groan my heads in pain but there's a bag over my head.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I ask acting alert even through I know it's my family. I hear some foot steps walking closer to me as they take the bag off.

Of course it's my idiot brother and sister. John looks at my head and sucks in a breath.

"Hope that looks....bad..ew." he moves my hair out of my face.

"It's a little gash she'll be fine John." Jacob grunts out as he examines my head.

"Oh are you okay Hope do you need anything? food? water?" Faith asks and I shake my head no.

"What the hell happened?" I ask pissed off with all of them starring at me as i'm tied to this dumb chair.

"Do you remember?" Jacob asks.

"Hell yeah I do assholes! Faith was explaining my past and was being honest then I was hit over the head. And from what she said it seems I'm basically adopted so thanks for not telling me and you know Jacob I know your the one who hit me because you have a very manly smell to you. And Faith I watched you alert one of the project members to call Jacob so you aren't very slick." I smile at all of them as their jaw drops.

"Now may I be untied." I pull against the rope that held me to the chair.

" aren't gonna leave the family?" John asks slightly worried.

"No. Even if i'm adopted after the fact the project started I have faith and hope in this project and the father. Sometimes the way we do things is wrong but you guys are the only family I know...and remember. And even if I get my memory back I'll stay because that's the past and like Faith said I was born again as Hope Seed. And nothing or no one can change that." They all seem happy with the grins and the tears in Faiths eyes so I'm untied.

Joseph walks in and smiles.

"Hope your okay. That's great. But I have a question what do you..remember?" Joseph asks as he gestures my siblings to stand with him.

"A few things."


"I don't wanna say Joe." I groan.

"Come on Hope spit it out." Joseph says.

"Fine. I remember being in a cage seeing Jacob and Pratt. Jacob was talking about a guy named Miller." I don't say more then that.

"So you are remembering?" Jacob asks.




Sorry I haven't updated recently! I'm working on a John story plus I'm at my grandmas with bad service:(

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