My heart was now beating frantically in my chest because, yes, I had seen the girl in too many pictures with him than I would have preferred. "What... What does that have to do with anything?" I asked, feeling so weak that I would probably fall to the floor if he so much as tried to touch me.

The smile remained on his face as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "I slept with her a few weeks ago," he confessed. "Thought you should know before you run off."

It felt like he had just slapped me across the face. No, it was worse than that. No physical pain could even compare to how much it hurt hearing him say those words. Out of everything he could ever do, I never thought he would cheat on me. I thought we loved each other too much for that.

Feeling new tears well up in my eyes, I bit my lip harshly as I walked past him, almost running to the hallway in a hurry to get out of here. I slipped my Vans on with shaky hands as the tears started running down my cheeks, new ones forming at the same time, blurring my vision so that I could barely see where my bags were.

I frantically wiped them away so that he wouldn't see how hurt and affected I was by his words when I turned around. He was standing there with his hands in his pockets, looking at my feet. "Fuck, I can't believe how you could do that. Out of all things, how could you cheat?" I asked, my hands on the handles of my suitcases.

He looked up to meet my gaze, his jaw still clenched. "Are you really saying that after what you just told me? The fact that I cheated shouldn't even affect you," he said coldly, making me tighten my hold on the handles.

"Well, if you even thought of sleeping with someone else while still being in a relationship with me, then what I said shouldn't affect you either," I retorted, trying to seem strong although I wasn't.

"Didn't I just say that I don't care you're giving up on us?"

Another slap. Slap after slap after slap. Couldn't he just hit me? It would be less painful. If I were honest, I wanted him to hit me, knock some sense into my brain because how could I have ever thought we were going to last?

I turned around to leave then, but before I could do so, I could hear his emotionless voice say one last thing to me.

"Have the time of your life, Louis Tomlinson."


"Liam, did you just hear what I said? He still lives in our house!"

A large inhale was heard on the other end. "Yes, I heard you, Louis. He still lives in the house you shared. So, what? You moved out. It was up to him if he wanted to keep living there or not," Liam replied in a calm voice.

I let out a groan, running my hand through my fringe. "I can't fucking go there. It's going to make me feel like shit. I wouldn't be able to hold it back. I would cry my fucking eyes out," I rambled, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Calm down, Louis," he sighed. "Don't get worked up over this. You don't have to stay there the entire night. It's just dinner."

I sat down on the edge of my bed, burying my face in my hand. "But why? Why is he doing this? Why would he want me there?"

"I don't know, Lou, but maybe it doesn't have to do with you. Maybe he just wants you all to spend some time together. Or, who knows? Maybe he's missed being around you just as much as you've missed being around him?" He tried to reason, making me furrow my eyebrows.

Or maybe he just came up with a quick idea after turning Leah down, but he must have been desperate if the thought of inviting me even crossed his mind.

All I Ever Wanted (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now