Paddling peddler

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Ramsi, in his first year of teens stepped into the world of Drugs. Maalik was the Top Supplier of high-end stuff in UP, MP and Bihar. His customers ranged from top politicians, film actors, and sportsmen to business people, who were ready to pay any price to get a ounce of Maalik’s imports. Ramsi, was no more in the comforts and shelter of Pintu, Kukku and Tony.  Due to Ramsi’s innocent looks, it was easy for him to become a peddler He would pose as school going teenager and ride his cycle throughout the city and outside. He would easily pull off difficult tasks due to his art of disguise. As Ramsi was learning the skills, Maalik once asks Ramsi to make a drop at one of the top politician’s apartment, as Anwar was out of town. One of the moles in Maalik’s group tipped off the rival gang, which was just waiting for an opportunity like that. As Ramsi, took the package and left with his bi-cycle, people started following him. Ramsi was smart enough to realize 8 people in four motorbikes were tailing him for the last 15 min. As he peddled faster, the bikes picked up their speed too. The lanes of Lucknow were too familiar for Ramsi. He kept fleeing from the bikers for a long time, till the bikers could no longer find Ramsi. What’s left was only his bicycle. They desperately started searching every nook and corner of that place, asking every person on that road, about a teenage boy with blue back pack. No had a clue, when they suddenly realized a beggar is looking upwards to a flight of stairs going up to the terrace of co-joined houses, holding the red cap Ramsi was wearing. They were sure Ramsi must have taken the same stairs to ditch them, as they too climbed the stairs to the terraces.

An hour later, someone rings the bell of MLA’s house, where his secret party was going on. As the MLA’s guard came to open the door, MLA and his guests got to hear a lot of abuses. MLA rushed out to see what’s causing the noise and burst out in laughter as he Ramsi, un-wrapping his disguise as beggar and smiling at him. MLA has seen Ramsi couple of times with Anwar. Ramsi handed over the package and bade goodbye to the minister and came out. MLA called up Maalik to thank him for the package and also mentioned about the disguise of Ramsi to deliver the package, highly appreciating about the way the kid operates. Ramsi came back and told Maalik about the people who chased him. Maalik ordered his people to find out who dared to intercept HIS delivery. Also Maalik asked Ramsi, to go to Banaras and meet Anwar there, where they were setting up a new branch specially catering to the foreign tourists, who come in search of these stuffs from all over the world apart from doing the so called Soul searching.

Ramsi grew up very fast from there, as he would travel all of UP and Himachal to collect and drop packages to distributors and retail buyers. Ramsi used to mingle very well with the foreigners and within two years time, he could fluently speak English and manage words of French and Spanish. He would act as a tourist guide, befriend them and offer them his “Special Pudia”. Soon people started queuing up to Anwar’s den for ‘maal’.

  Among all these Ramsi would get immersed in his own thoughts sometimes, and would go off the radar. He started having those spells of being absconding for a day or two. Disconnect himself from everything and everyone he knows. Everything which makes him what he is. No one gets to know where he is, except the fact Anwar would notice 8 year old sling bag missing from his room. Anwar loved him too much to tell him anything and trusted Ramsi would always come back to him. Ramsi had no bad habits, handling hundreds of grams of drugs in a day, but would never even sniff a dot and perhaps that’s why he earned Anwar’s and Maalik’s trust over last 3 years. Ramsi though just a boy of 17 years, had more maturity and sense than the industry stalwarts. He could single handedly take care of Banaras operations. Suppliers and Buyers had huge respect for Ramsi. He knew how to control situations. People won’t dare to cheat him.  Anwar would often travel abroad with Maalik, leaving business for Ramsi to handle. Ramsi would handle the entire operations alone. Made rules for himself and would follow it to the dot. He had his fixed business hours and would not go beyond even if it is the deal of his lifetime. He called customers at his places of convenience and would make sure that he is not getting crossed. The local police was in his pocket. Police would never interfere in his work; rather they would provide him protection in the areas which are not safe. Ramsi was getting known as Ramsi bhai now. People stopped treating him as an errand boy of the gang. He commanded people’s respect.

Banaras now belonged to Ramsi bhai.

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