In a manner that was almost comical in its nature, Yoon-ah stilled in her tracks, staring blankly at the boy as her brain processed what he had just said. "You what?!"

"Don't flatter yourself. You'd be shocked by the amount of chaos you cause in the corridors," Suho grumbled, shaking his head. "I don't care what you do with this bottle. Burn it, throw it in the garbage, or drink it. The only thing I ask is for you to stop giving me a god-awful migraine."

That was the most she had ever heard him speak in her life. 

Yoon-ah raised her brows. "Be honest, did you poison it?"

The boy shot her a withering look, ready to retract his hand, however, Yoon-ah beat him to it, swiping the bottle away from him.

The boy shot her a withering look, ready to retract his hand, however, Yoon-ah beat him to it, swiping the bottle away from him

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"I was only asking because it's very unlike you. Don't take it to heart," she said. "I'll take it. You went through all this trouble to resolve the 'god-wful migraine' of yours, after all," the girl added, making air quotes with her hands.

Suho only glared back in response, as one would expect of him. 

The brunette held back a snark response. After all, the boy had gone through the trouble of getting her favorite drink for her- whatever his reasoning may have been. Yoon-ah got the faint impression the boy was more caring than he let on.

"Thanks, Suho, you're such a doll!" she finished, her face brightening up a notch.

On the other hand, the boy looked at Yoon-ah with scornful eyes and bumped her seat on purpose as he took a seat next to her. A swaying Yoon-ah was forced to grab her new seatmate's shoulder in order to steady herself.

"Yah!" she exclaimed. "It would have been so much simpler just to say that you didn't like being thanked, you nasty jerk!"

Turning around to scowl at Suho, her gaze was met by a pair of shocked hazel eyes. Suho's light brown eyes were wide and his mouth hung open in surprise. It was then that Yoon-ah realized she still had her hand on Suho's shoulder, leaning heavily on the boy to support herself.

A harsh hand slammed against the table, snapping two out of the moment. Suho jerked back in his seat and Yoon-ah pulled her hand back to her chest as quickly as she could. Coughing to cover her reddening face, the girl turned her head away from Suho, only to meet Seojun's fiery gaze.

A dangerous fire burned in the boy's eyes as he withdrew his clenched hand from the table.

"I think," Seojun gritted through clenched teeth. "We have waited enough. Let's begin."

"You're right," Yoon-ah breathed, averting her eyes. She nodded quickly, keeping her gaze fixed on her bracelet while she played with it. "Let's start the discussion."

The brunette felt acutely aware of Suho's curious gaze on her, but at the same time, she was also very aware of Seojun's angry eyes set on her as she uttered those words. The air was thick with tension, Yoon-ah squirmed in her seat with a certain unease.

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