Part 3

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The next day he was there. I made him a cappuccino and brought it to him. He was sitting alone this time, reading a book. He wore the same grey suit but this time had a black turtleneck underneath. Before meeting him, I didn't know I had such a thing for men in suits. I definitely had a thing for men who worked out but the suit part was kind of new. It's just that my last boyfriend was much more casual.

"Here's your coffee."

He lifted his eyes. "Thanks."

Then he leaned his head on his palm and looked up at me, he seemed to be studying my face. Damn. He looked so handsome and sexy.

I moved the chair opposite to him and sat down legs crossed leaning on the back of it. He squinted his eyes and observed me for a moment.

"Would it be okay if I flirted with you?"

"You kind of did already."

He took a sip of his coffee. "Guess it's fine then." He smirked a bit as he put the cup back on the table. "Is this your part-time job?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"So you're a student?"

"I am."

"What's your major?"

"I study design ... what kind of work do you do?"

"I have a marketing company."

The book laid on his knees, his index finger marking the place he had left off. I looked at his hands, they were big and a bit bony, I could see the veins on the back of his hands. His fingernails were cut short. Then my co-worker called for me and interrupted my observation. That wasn't nice of her. I stood up.

"What time do you finish?" He looked up at me with his brown eyes.

"At eight."

He leaned on the back of the chair and crossed his legs.

"I'll come pick you up then, let's go out for dinner."

"Okay." I smiled at him.

He followed me with his eyes until I reached the counter, when I turned to look his way, he smiled at me and resumed reading his book. His presence made me feel restless and calm at the same time. What can I say, life is full of contradictions.

After a while he nodded at me and left. The hours I had left to work dragged on but at last I finished. We closed the shop, I changed my clothes to my comfy sweatshirt, put on my jacket, I didn't have to change my trousers or shoes, I wore my casual jeans and low top sneakers at work. Then I grabbed my tote bag and stepped out of the shop from the front door. He stood in front of the shop, leaning his back against the railing.

"Hope you didn't wait long."

"It's nothing." His mannerism was reserved and polite but chill at the same time. It has been a while since someone has waited for me like this, it felt nice. It was quite dark already so the street lights were on. We started walking side by side. He was a head taller than me. I used to hate my small figure but over time I grew to be comfortable with it. At first I used to blame my appearance for my queerness. Then I understood it doesn't have anything to do with it. All that matters is how I feel is right and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

"I love taking a stroll at night. It makes me feel so calm and I usually use my car so it makes for a nice change."

"Lucky you, I wish I had a car." I whined over-dramatized. He chuckled. Then I stopped cause the laces of my sneakers had come undone. He noticed it, turned around and crouched down to tie my laces. I looked at his hands tightening them. The movement of his hands was graceful. Then he stood up and smiled at me.

"Thanks." I said. We walked on and turned to a smaller street, there were some restaurants and cafes, it was autumn so most places didn't have any tables outside but some still did. We walked to a small restaurant that seemed quite cozy. He opened the door for me and I stepped inside. We chose a table under the window. He took off his overcoat, hung it on a rack next to the table and helped me take off my jacket. Seeing the gentleman side of his made me smile. We sat down and a waiter brought us the menus. We ordered some food.

Then he looked at me. "I really like eating out at night, it's boring to eat alone at home."

"I haven't had many chances to do that lately." I said.

"On how many days do you work at the shop?"

"On every weekday except Tuesdays. Then I'm at the uni until late." I paused. "Yeah, and sometimes I work on Saturdays as well."

"It must be quite exhausting to work that much while studying."

"I've grown pretty much accustomed to it actually. I don't have much choice anyways. I live alone."

"Did you come to study here from another city? Does your family live elsewhere?"

"Yeah, I wanted to study in the university here, though it's just one of the reasons." Then I broke eyecontact with him and looked on the ground. He didn't ask anything more about it. I looked at his shoes, they were black and shiny, laces tied neatly, such a contrast to my worn out sneakers. I looked at his hands resting in his lap, they were big and seemed so gentle. The waiter brought us our drinks and I followed his right hand grabbing the cup and bringing it to his mouth. His movements were smooth and calm. I saw a scar on his hand near the index finger. It seemed old. I leaned on the table.

"How did you get that scar on your hand?"

"I cook a lot actually despite the fact I enjoy eating out. It's from the time I was still a beginner at handling kitchen weaponry." He looked at the scar.

"I can only make sandwiches and instant noodles. I am hopeless at this stuff." I sighed.

"But you make some delicious coffee. Can't be good at everything." He laughed. I took a sip of my tea as I let my eyes wander on him. I felt calm in this moment, in this little bubble full of light in the middle of the darkness of the night. I felt fragments of light dancing on me.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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