Venomous Consequences

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"Marina!" Al called back, coming into view sprawled out on the ground. He made an inchworm-like move toward me.

"Quit— moving!" a feminine voice echoed haughtily from within Al's armor. I came to sit in front of Al, his red eyes a guiding light.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I came here to find you," I said, reaching out to undo the chains around his wrists. He jerked from me suddenly and let out a surprised gasp.

"Isn't that sweet," the voice resonated from within Al. A blonde-haired woman with green tattoos up and down the length of her arm and cascading up her face popped Al's head up, revealing herself. "But I'm afraid he's not going anywhere with you." I jumped back slightly.

"You don't understand," I tried to explain, looking around. I didn't see the other chimeras and cursed inwardly. Maybe they weren't far. "The military is here; we all have to move."

"The military?" Al asked bewildered.

"You with the military?" she asked, glaring at me. I moved back as she slunk out from the armor.

"No, I'm with him," I said, nodding to Al. She didn't seem convinced as she drew the knife from her shoulder. She stabbed it into the ground where I had sat, and I rolled out from under her, just barely dodging. I scrambled to my feet as she lunged for me again, swiping at my left side. She was clearly an experienced fighter, scoping out the weakness in my defense almost immediately. "Listen to me!" I yelled over the rushing water as she came at me full force.

I drew my knife from its sheath, sparks flying as the metal clashed, the only light in the dark. I was a novice when it came to using my knife, but I had some pointers from Brosh back when we were in Central. I was only able to fend her off with basic blocks. What I couldn't block, I dodged, but she managed to nick me on my shoulder. I stumbled back slightly but kept on my guard as she berated me with blows, grunting with each strike. With her part animal make-up, she had the upper hand, her sight, and movement unhindered by the darkness. I couldn't let it go on any longer. In a split moment of clarity, I found my opening and connected my bare fist with her abdomen, not wanting to hurt her. The blow had managed to knock her back a bit, and we stared at each other, both of us breathing heavily. My shoulder tingled from the cut, and I touched my hand to it just slightly, feeling the warm and sticky sensation I hoped not to find. I heard Al, who seemed far away, call for me.

"Don't hurt her!" he said. The woman hissed at him to shut up.

"We're in danger here," I explained, putting my hands up just slightly as a sign of truce. "All of us. Especially you."

"Is that a threat?" she breathed, looking as if she were preparing to come at me again.

"No, it's not," I said, placing my knife on the ground and kicking it to her. She looked at the knife now at her feet then back to me askance. "If you want to live, we have to go." She let out a short laugh that shook her shoulders slightly.

"I don't take orders from kids," she said, lunging for me again.

I stepped back, my body feeling sluggish as she pounced on top of me. My back slammed against the cold concrete, and I groaned. I heard my necklace clink against the ground as it fell from its place on my chest. Her forearm pinned me to the ground by my shoulders as she drew her knife back.

"She knows how to bond a soul to armor!" Al cut in desperately. "That's what you people want to know, right?"

I rose my eyebrows in surprise as she halted her arm, but I tried to hide it, realizing Al was lying to save my skin. She looked over her shoulder to him, then back to me. She turned her head back as we heard footsteps approaching.

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