A cheeky smile appeared on your face, feeling your face warm up after he sent you a wink. Connie smiled and turned another corner as you both finally made it to the skatepark.

It was really crowded this evening since the weather was more cooler around this time. You looked around the park and felt your shoulders slump after not seeing any sight of girls around your age at the park.

Teenage boys were crowded in different groups, chit chatting, flexing their new skateboards that they probably bought with their own money. Some doing tricks at the bowl area of the skatepark and others doing tricks at the ramps.

You chewed your bottom lip as you stuck close to Connie, your shoulder brushing against his as you followed beside him.

"Y/n," Connie looked at you, narrowing his eyes after noticing how close you were getting to him.

"Hm?" you looked back at him, still biting down on your bottom lip. Connie held his skateboard in his hand and smiled at you.

"It's okay, just relax," Connie gently patted your shoulder, hoping that would've calmed you down. You hummed and held your skateboard with both of your hands as you continued to walk with Connie, further into the skatepark.

"Can we go to the corner right there?" you pointed at the side line of the skatepark so Connie can help you there instead. Connie patted your back, walking with you to the spot you wanted to skate at.

"Aight just hold my hand," Connie reached his hand out as he watched you place your skateboard on the ground. You grasped his hand while keeping your other hand in mid air as you slowly stepped onto your skateboard.

You felt your body wobble a bit on the board but quickly kept your balance after feeling Connie's hand rest on your back to keep you from falling. Connie watched you with a smile on his face as he started to guide you.

"I'mma be right here," Connie whispered to you as he slowly started to apply force so you could move on the skateboard. A soft giggle left your lips as you kept your eyes on your dirty vans, Connie still holding your hand while continuing to push you.

"I'm gonna let go now."

"Wait don't let go- CONNIE!" you yelped after feeling your body wobble. You quickly jumped off the skateboard and watched it roll away into the bowl. You covered your mouth with your hand as Connie jogged towards the bowl, snapping at the other boys there to hand him your skateboard.

"Connie! I would've fell in there!" you gently shoved his chest as you took your skateboard back from his hand.

"Sorry," Connie poked his bottom lip out as he walked closer to you with opened arms. Both of your hands held onto your skateboard as you rested your head against his chest, feeling his hand pat your back.

Connie pulled away from the hug and snapped at you as he slowly backed away to pick up his skateboard, "Ay! Mirar esto."


Connie sighed and shouted as he jogged away from you,"Watch this!"

You leaned your back against the fence and watched Connie stand at the edge of the bowl. He dove full speed into the bowl and flew back up, holding the edge of his skateboard and spinning around a bit in the air before landing back down inside the bowl.

"Wow," you slowly clapped your hands after placing your skateboard against the fence. Connie ran towards you, playfully rolling his eyes that you were being sarcastic right now.

"Like you could do any better," Connie rested his hands on his skateboard as he leaned closer to you. You crossed your arms and stared into his eyes. Your breathing hitched at how close his face was to yours. His grin never fading away as he kept staring back at you.

You cleared your throat after your stomach felt like it had butterflies fluttering inside it. You backed away while flicking his forehead, "You're right, I wouldn't do any better," you spun around on your foot and skipped towards your board.

As you turned back around to meet with Connie again, you noticed a group of 5 boys who looked way more older than you and Connie, approaching him with a cocky smile on each of their faces.

You watched Connie and a ginger do their handshake before Connie did the same with the other 4 boys there. You narrowed your eyes as you stared at the boys, your eyes widening after realizing who they were.

The Skulls, yeah a stupid name for a group of teens that just skate and break the rules. A bunch of stoner skater teens that gather together just to skate and do activities that you most definitely would never agree to doing.

"Connie wanna hang out with us by the ramps," one of the boys motioned their heads to the direction of the ramps.

After hearing what the boy said, you and Connie included, both looked at the ramps to see other boys gathered up in a circle, passing around to what seemed like a blunt and a cup of a purple drink.

"Connie?" you slowly walked towards Connie, furrowing your eyebrows at him while trying to avoid the other boys' eye contact. Connie looked at you and hummed after hearing his name.

"You're not actually thinking of going there, right?" you tilted your head to the side as you pulled down on your yellow skirt. Connie glanced at the boys who were waiting for Connie's answer.

"It won't take too long," Connie lifted his skateboard to his hip. You tugged his jacket to pull him closer to you. You stared directly into his eyes and whispered to him.

"Connie they're literally doing drugs over there, do you not see?"

"It's not like i'm gonna take them Y/n."

"But this could get you in big trouble Connie," you took a quick glimpse of the boys before gazing back at Connie.

"They're my friends Y/n."

"Yeah friends that are bad influences," you bucked your head a bit as you still had your fingers holding his jacket. Connie stared at you before averting his eyes away to look at the guys in front of him.

Connie cleared his throat and slowly moved your hand away from his jacket, "When're you gonna stop being a goody two shoes Y/n."

You fluttered your eyes, feeling a lump build up in yo throat after hearing what Connie said to you. Was this an act? Why was he acting like this all of a sudden? Your mouth parted open, not knowing how to respond to his comment.

"A goody two shoes? Connie I just don't want you to get caught up in things you don't need to be caught up in."

"Connie, dude, are you coming with us or not?" the same ginger asked as he grew impatient. Connie adjusted his skateboard that was on his hip and looked at you.

"Connie if you go with them I'll...i'll stop being your friend," you clenched your jaw as the grip on your skateboard tightened.

"Y/n, I'll see you later."

"Dude you think i'm joking?" you walked closer to Connie as he started to walk away. The ginger that was here patted Connie's back as the group, including Connie walked to the other side of the skatepark to the ramp.

"Wow..." you murmured, slowly bobbing your head as you rubbed your lips together and making a popping noise right after.

「𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐝」𝘤. 𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora