Survival of the Fittest

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"Hey guys, we, like, need to get a move on." Kitty says ruining the movement, and with it gone me and Rogue took our stuff to our respective Cabins and I took the bunk above Scott.


I'm watching from the finish line as the current group for the obstacle course are climbing the ropes. Fred is having a slow start. I was in the last group, and because I can't turn off my mutation, my enhanced reflexes helped me make a new course record. Anyways Scott broke the rope and complained, Scott and Lance both raced ahead way faster than the others. Lance then knocked Scott into the water, and then Scott blasted Lance in. Scott crossed the finish line. My time was still better. I'm just watching as the brotherhood and my fellow X-Men are squabbling about what happened. I know people like Sergeant Hawk, and I know that our two groups are going to be do extra physical training and given an insane task to do that will ultimately make us hate ourselves for arguing.


"...58, 59, 60." We count. Hawk had our two groups do a 4 mile jog, 50 sit-ups, 20 pull-ups, and 60 push ups before our punishment challenge.

"Now, on your feet. Here at Iron Back, we got ways to weed the loud mouths from the tough guys. We fight it out in the wilderness, against the wilderness. You grunts want to prove how tough you are? Fine. First team to snatch a flag I planted up there on Mount Humiliation and brings it back to me, wins." Hawk says. I just want to know what this Mountain is actually called.

"Cakewalk. Our team can take a sauna. I'll get it myself." Pietro says, arrogant prick.

"Not if I beat you." Kurt says. Why is this trip bringing the worse out of us?

"The whole team or no one! As proof I want a snapshot of every member right there at the top. Are we clear?" Hawk says making this more fun.

"Yes, Sergeant Hawk, Sir!" We all say. We will begin at five, from different trails. Jean got us all to agree to no powers. Jean went on a rant about how we should feel great about no power usage, at least until Scott moved her to the rest of the group.


"Come on! Let's pick it up. We're almost to the base." Scott says as we are all running on the trail we were assigned, He really wants to win.

"What's with Mr. Decathlon? He's as bad as Sargent Hawk." Rogue says. As me and her are ahead of The others except Scott.

"All he cares about is winning this thing." Kitty says. "Hey Kurt, can't you, like, make yourself useful and, like, teleport us to the top?"

"This trip is of the power free variety I'm told." Kurt responds.

"I told you guys, training with Logan would have been better." I state bluntly. Then Jean says something which was tough to make out from behind me. Then Evan was really far behind and complaining about the wonders of nature, again.


We were now walking up a trail. As we get up there It looked like Scott had Kurt launch a spike to the top with a rope connected and Kurt see if the flag was still there. The latter seems okay to me. Jean just walked by him and kept climbing free hand, I followed her. Rogue said she rather use the rope I didn't question her. It was the safer choice. Then there was a tremor and Evan fell. Jean caught him and brought him back up. How often does Sargent Hawk have teens do this? It seems rather deadly.

"That tremor felt close. Lance and the others must be close. Jean levitate us to the top." Scott says.

"You can't be serious." Jean says.

"What you just used your powers" Scott says. And now it seems like someone's in the doghouse. Oh wait, that's right they're not dating. They just both wish they were.

"That was life and death!" Jean says to him angrily. "This contest isn't. Seems like X-Men  should know the difference."

"Over here." Rogue says. We all look over and see her looking down a hole. "It's them."

"Down here. We're caved in. Don't let us die. Not over some dumb flag." Tolansky said.

"We won't." Scott yells down making Jean look proud of him.

We then get out our rope and devise a plan to get them out, well mostly Fred. The rope won't hold his unmovable ass.


We get them out Kurt and Pedro used there travel based mutations to get to the flag at the same time. Then the Black Bird appeared and Storm's voice rung out.

"X-Men, Professor X is in danger, and so is Mystique." Storm states.

Scott looks at Lance. "You up for it?"

"Let's go." Lance responds.

As we are all leaving. "Wait!" I say holding the camera. "We have one thing to do. Everyone huddle together." They all did and I took the photo on the polaroid. The photo developed immediately. We flew over Hawk and dropped the flag and picture for him to see. Then rush to the mansion. We all got caught up on the situation and changed into our gear.

"Take a break Wolverine!" Scott says, just to make an entrance as Wolverine is getting his ass handed to him. "We'll take it from here."

Jean levitates him, but then passes out from his weight. Wolverine tells us to remove Juggernauts helmet. I put my hand on Fred and tell him to charge Cain. He does. Kurt undoes one latch. Scott then blasts him followed by lance warping the ground beneath him.  Pedro went and got latch number two. Storm made a wind tunnel. Then Kitty brought Rogue and I out of the wall to undo Latches three and four. Toad then removes the helmet, with his tongue. That kids just gross. Professor then mental blasted Cain down right in front of him. We all celebrated. That was really weird.

Scott, Jean, Logan, and Professor took Cain to prison.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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