I could see the reluctant agreement on there faces as Layla sighs and pulls her knees up and rest her head on them. Jett bit his lip nervously as he rubbed a hand on her back. I felt Chase walk up behind me and I wanted to lean back into him and just wanted let go again, to not think about how fucked up this all is, but I couldn't. These two were looking to me to help them, and fix this mess they had landed into. I could only hope that the plan that uncle had told me would work or I honestly had no idea on how to pull this off, and it was all on my shoulders. I could feel my stress levels start to rise and I shake my head, pushing that away and say,

"Ok, lets go. I know what your dad's plan is Jett and I think it just might be what we need. And now we have the surprise advantage so hopefully that will make everything a lot easier."

I see them nod in agreement as stand up, but I say,

"As much as I hate to do this, I think it's best for you to stay here Jett. We really don't need her mom to rip you to shreds."

I could see him wanting to argue before Layla cut in,

"Jett, shes right. My mom already wasn't found of me dating at all, and now this. She will kill you where you stand."

Jett looks at her with hurt on his face,

"You don't want me to go with you? I thought you'd want me to help you break it to them."

Her eyes widen as she waves her hands in front of her while saying,

"No no no, Jett it's not like that at all! I really do want you there but I think it will all end badly if you were. And we need this to go well so we can have you not be possibly in jail. I need you to stay here so our baby has a dad in his or her life."

My heart breaks seeing them having to go through this at such a young age. I mean they did do this to themselves, but no child should ever have worry about any of this on top of having a kid of their own. As I go over the plan with them I could see Jett calm down a bit and Layla grow more nervous. Before long we were on our way to Layla's parents house and I could see her biting her nails in nerves. And I couldn't help but bite my lip as I drive down the road, wishing that Chase could have come too. But I just couldn't leave Jett by himself like that, not with whoever was out there watching us. None of us should be alone till we find out who it is and he is dealt with. As we pull in and we get out and head to the door, Layla pauses as she reaches for the door and I could see the fear in her eyes that she was trying to hide. I grab her hand and give it a squeeze to remind her that I was with her all the way. With a shaky smile she opens the door and yells,

"I'm home, and Sarah is with me!"

I saw her mom and dad come out of the kitchen and walk over to us. Her mom asked,

"Hello Sarah, no to be rude but what brings you here?"

I look over to Layla seeing her glup before saying,

"I need to tell you guys something and she is my support. That's why she is here mom."

Her mom's eyes narrow as she turns to walk to the kitchen table, her dad looking concerned and followed suit. Gently pushing her forward as we make our way to them, sitting down her mom snaps,

"Ok, out with it Layla. What did you do this time?"

She glances at me and I give her a nod with a small smile, she takes a deep breath and shakily says,

"Mom, dad, I want you to sign guardianship over to Sarah. So you guys won't have to worry about work or anything for me to race. She is willing to pay for everything and help me get to the top level, and seeing as she is the first woman to ever get a World Motocross Championship I'd have to say this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to really make it there."

Chasing ChampionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora