Ch. 2: A New Friend (Part 1)

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~a few thousand years later~

~Star Gazing Garden~

"That freaking old man! He keeps promising to teach me martial arts personally but he always has to go do something else and my uncles would teach me instead," I grumbled angrily as I walked through the garden. As I continued to fume, I didn't notice that something was going to hit me square on the head. 

Something hits me directly on the head. "Ow," I exclaimed out of pain and rubbed at my head. I looked around for what had hit me. It was...a peach? I looked up to see if it conveniently came off a tree and hit me or someone threw it at me. In the tree above me, I spot a boy who was no doubt younger than me. He is dressed in white and gold clothing but it is smudged by dirt. 

"Oh my god! Are you okay," he asks in the informal tone. 

"I'm fine. And, hey, didn't your parents teach you to speak to older people in the formal tone," I asked without thinking. 

"...Sorry, the maids said- I mean I'm sorry, Hyung," he stammers as he grips onto the trunk of the tree. 

"It's okay. Just don't remember to do so next time," I said sheepishly as I was kind of embarrassed that I yelled at someone who is much younger than me. 

"Yes, Hyung," he says before trying to pick another peach. I nodded and started to walk down the path once more. But, when I was a few feet away, I suddenly had a nagging feeling that something bad was going to happen. I turned around, looked up, and started to say, "Be careful."

The boy in the tree got startled by my voice, misplaced his foot, and falls off the tree as he screamed. Using my magic, I launched myself forward in order to catch him before he fell onto the ground. Luckily, I managed to catch him before he hit the ground but the momentum of his fall caused me to stumble backward and then plop onto the ground. 

Pain shoots up and down my body but it wasn't a big deal. I had worst during my training. "Are you okay," I asked the boy and the boy looks at me with teary eyes. Seconds later, his eyes welled up with tears and he starts to cry. "It's okay. Don't be scared. Hyung is here," I cooed at him and hugged him in an attempt to comfort him even though I had no idea who he is. As I held onto him, I noticed that he smelt like fresh berries with a hint of honey. All of which are things that I like to eat. can someone smell like that?

"I- I was so scared," he whimpers  as he clings to my robes. His tears slowly made them a bit wet. I racked my brain for what to say or do as I don't have any experience in comforting someone who is younger than me because I am an only child and all of the people at home and at the training camp are people who are much older than me. So, I simply stroked his back and hummed a song that my mother had sang for me before. 

We stayed like that until he felt better and stopped crying. He leans back and wipes at his eyes before looking at me shyly through his long ebony eyelashes with flushed cheeks. Cute..."Um...," he begins to say but gets cut off by someone else. 

"Young Lord, where are you," a woman shouts worriedly from afar. The boy's head whips around toward the woman a look of panic crosses his eyes before he looks back at me. 

"Thank you for saving me, Hyung....Here. Take this peach as a thank you," he says before handing me the peach that he risked his life to get and then running toward the woman that called out earlier. 

"Hey, you don't need to-," I began to call out after him but he doesn't turn around. I subconsciously pouted and looked at the peach in my hands. I didn't even get your name...

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