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trigger warning: blood, dead and violence.

The war

I am on my way to find my friend Neville. I run down the hall, and i see Neville. I run over to him and give him a hug. He could be dead, but he's not. I saw him earlier at the bridge falling. We stay still, none of us say a sound. Neville's my best friend since the first year. He's quiet, brave, smart and kind. When we are together we don't talk much, we just enjoy each other's company. I pull away from the hug. We both have tears in our eyes. "Nev will we win?" I ask. Neville takes me in for a hug once again. "I don't know" he kisses the top off my head. "But we'll do it together, okay". I nod my head. "Let's go" i take his hand and run with him to find the others.

When we where running we hear an explosion. We run to the explosion, to find the Weasleys all together. There's a red-headed guy on the ground. I let go of Neville's hand and walk over them. Ron is hugging his brother on the ground, once he pulls away i see Fred Weasley.

My eyes start to water up. He's one of my best friends. We had a thing in 4rd year. He was the one i went to the yull ball with, and the night of the ball he took my virginiy, but now he's dead on the ground. Molly, his mom has a angry look on her face that says 'ready to kill the person that killed her son" I walk over to Ginny. I pat her on the shoulder. She trun around, and sees me and pulls me in for a hug thats really tight. She crys into my shoulder as my hand run over her head and then down her back. I take her face in my hand. "Ginny we have to win this, and show them who not to mess with" a small smile appeared on her lips. She noddes her head. And she runs out to fight for her borther. I trun around to see Bill and Fleur disappeared with Fred. I think it's to keep his body safe.

I run out of hogwarts. All people are on the side and voldemort in the middel of all. He walks around all the people. He walks to a space where all can see him. He has a small smile on his face.

"Harry potter is dead" he shouts. I hear a "No" shouted, i look over to see Ginny and her dad that holds her back. Harry and her had a on and off thing for years, but they never said they dated.

I see behind them is Hermione with tears down her face, Ron comes form the side and gives her a hug and lades a kiss on the top of her head. Ron is on the edge of crying. But having a crying Hermione in his chest, he holds them back.

"If anyone cum join us you will be free from they own dead, if not you'll be dead by the end of the week". I look around to see if people do it. My eyes lands on one person with blonde hair and blue eyes. The blonde haired boy looks over to the death eaters. "Draco come" a other blonde headed man say. "Draco" a woman with the same blonde hair as the man and boy say. The blonde boy thinks a little.

He begins to walk over to his family. When he comes to the Dark Lord, the dark Lord stops him and gives him a hug. "Good job Draco" he whispers loudly enough for all to hear. The Dark Lord pats him on the back. Draco runs over to his mother and gives her a hug. The mother gives him a kiss on his cheek.

The Dark Lord turns over to look at me. "You come here" he shoutes and points to me. I look over to Ron, Hermione and Ginny. I give them a look that says 'can i walk over to hin'. They give me a nod. I slowly walk over to him. He takes his hand out to me to take it. I look back over to Neville and give him a look that says 'should i take his hand'. Neville takes a step forward. But i nod my head no. He understands and gives a quick nod. I take the Dark Lords hand.

"See if you join me, i will not touch your muggle friend. She will be free and none will hurt her ever". (I know he will never say anything like that but here he will). If Hermione is safe, then i'll do it. "As long you never touch her". The Dark Lord nod his head. I take my hand to myself and walk over to the death eaters. I look over to see Hermione with a shock on her face. I give her a small smile.

"Now purebloods and the one muggle will live. The rest will dead at all time". I get eye contact with Hermione. "Why did you do it" she whispers. "I love you" i whisper. "I love you to" i say as i wipe a tear away from my cheek.  "Now send the muggles and halfbloods away" the Dark Lord shouts. The death eaters past me, over to the people who are muggles and halfblood. I see them take them away. Some of them are crying, some screams. But i can do nothing, if i do they will kill me and my friends.

I feel someone take my arm hard. I look around and sees the man with the blonde hair. "You'll come with me". He takes me over to his family. "I'll do the spell" One of them says, but i don't see who it is before it's just black.

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