"who's truck is that?" rupert asked me.

"i don't know. maybe one of jades friends are over." i said, almost worried. jade never came home.

i told daniel and rupert to stay in the car so i could "make sure the house was clean". really i was making sure something wasn't going on in that house.

the moment i walked in the house, i heard the sounds i was so terrified of hearing.


i walked as slowly as i could to our bedroom, tears already threatening to fall down my face.

i made it to the front of the bedroom door, but i still there for a moment. this was it. this was where my life would turn upside down.

i opened the bedroom door, seeing the sight that every partner never wished to see.

jade, along with another dark haired man were both naked and very intimate with each other.

jade was on top of him, rotating her hips. this showed me that she was indeed having sex with another man.

neither of them noticed my presence, so i watched the entire scene unfold.

the weird thing was...jade never seemed to enjoy herself that much with me.

when she caught my eyes staring back at her from the door, she stopped.

"tom..." she cried out. i shook my head and started walking quickly out of the house. tears were quickly coming down my face now, making my vision blur.

my heart was sunk to the bottom of my chest, and i don't think it will ever be in the right spot again.

i can hear jade's faint voice called out my name, trying to catch me.

i finally turn around, to see my 'fiancée' wrapping a robe around herself. the man she was with was behind her, putting his clothes back in.

i looked down at her finger, seeing she wasn't even wearing the ring.

luckily the sun was shining, so i could see the ring reflecting a light from the kitchen table. i quickly rub down and grab it.

"did this mean absolutely nothing to you?" i sobbed out, holding the ring in between my fingers for her to see.

before she responded, rupert and daniel walked into the front door. neither of them said a word as the scene unfolded.

"tom..." jade started crying too, "i'm sorry, i really didn't mean for this to happen."

"DON'T YOU DARE CRY LIKE THAT! YOU DID THIS TO US, SO YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CRY," i screamed at her through my sobs.

"tom, let's get out of here." daniel said harshly as he put his hand in my shoulder. i kept my eyes on jade.

"i hope you're happy," i spoke to her one last time as a walked down the stairs, leaving everything behind.

i didn't get in rupert's car, i got into jade's car instead and drove off. technically i payed for it, so i have every right to take it back.

the engagement ring was still held in between my fingers as a continued driving down the road.

in all honesty, i didn't know where i was going.

i had nowhere to go.

my mothers house was always an option, but i didn't want her to see me like this and try to create a lesson out of this.

my father was out of town, along with my brothers.

after a couple minutes of my mind being blank, i somehow managed to find my way to downtown london. i don't know if it was luck or not, but i saw windsor walking along the street.

"windsor," i cried out as i rolled down my window.

"tom?" she asked, concerned. "what's wrong?"

"please," i continued to sob, "can you get it?"

i watched her walk over to my car, getting in the passengers side of the car. me and her didn't talk, until we reached sage's old flat.

i don't know why that's the first place that came to mind, but it was.

i really needed her right now. i don't deserve it, but she is the only thing i need.

i did her so wrong. if i'm going to lose one relationship, i might as well try to save a different one.

"do you know where she lives?" i broke the silence. the tears on my face were finally starting to drive up.

"yes but-"

"can you give me the address?" i pleaded.

"tom, tell me what happened..." she sympathized.

"listen, i need to go to her before i do something bad to myself..." is the only thing i responded with. i watched her face drop as she took a receipt out of her purse.

"do you have a pin?" she asked. i opened the glove compartment on her side and pulled one out for her.

i watched her write down an address, and pull something else out of her purse. she wrapped her receipt around it.

"here's the address, and a plane ticket. i was supposed to leave tonight, but i think you should go instead-"

"no, don't do that. i cant buy my own-"

"tom, it took my weeks to find a plane ticket for this weekend. there in no way you can find one for tonight..."

i mumbled a 'thank you' out as we drove back to her car.

she got out of my car, saying goodbye. i drove straight to the airport, not worrying about even packing a bag.

i was going back to her.


words between us • tom feltonWhere stories live. Discover now