family reunion

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As i woke up to the sound of those annoying stupid chickens so i got out and walk into forest for a bit looking for some things i found a lake which is weird because i just got into this forest but eh ill stay here i breath in the fresh air it was wonderful and peaceful nothing can go wrong a deer walked up he stared deep into my soul i was terrified because he was standing like a human then i closed my eyes it was gone vanish like nothing happen.

I have gone back to my home the boss told me to get ready with my next fight it wasnt an huge fight just some new people so after 2 hours of fighting Then i said to the boss "hey boss cant we spice things up like 10 guys with weapons fight against one guy.then he respond "hm you might be onto something sure"then i went back to the forest trained punching the trees until they fall down.i stopped for a bit and saw the deer again this time it stood up again and open his mouth then ran away then i went back home.

I prepared my shields to my suprise the queen was there i was shocked the ten men turns out to be knights one said "my queen we will defeat this peasant for you".but i only saw 9 then a white horse came it turns out its my brother joseph.he spoked "my queen i will defeat my brother so i may win your heart!".the queen was looking down on them then he spoked again"dear brother i will defeat you because we are ten knights! Just give up".then i answered "you think you scare me please"joseph got mad and sented all nine of the knights charging at me i thought for a plan i must take off their helmets and strike them then.

I waited one of the knight jumped and slammed his mace to my shield i punched his helmet using my shield there was a small dint he took his helmet off and he became mad then i charge at all of them in inhuman speed the crowd was shocked even the queen left and right hand woman's.all of their helmet came off then this is. My moment to strike i uppercutted the 9 knights they were knocked brother is mad so mad he get off of his horse and strikes his sword onto my shield but i blocked made a hole in my shield then i head butted him then uppercutted his jaw but he tried to stand i quickly charged at him and gives him another uppercut to. The jaw he was knocked out.

Thr crowd cheered my name.the queen stood up and claps for my victory.i had won 10 of the queen's knight have been beaten i went home and rest for today but i keep thinking about that deer he haunts my dreams.but i quickly fall asleep.

(thanks for reading!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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