Chapter One-Hundred and Three.

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Recovery has been good. It's been a few weeks now and the only down side to it has been not being able to work. The scar on my face was healing nice but not getting booked for shoots was not. My doctor said the scar would fully disappear in a few months and I can't wait for that day. The pills they gave me for the pain weren't needed anymore and I was fully healed everywhere else. Chase and I have been taking it slow like we agreed. It's nice knowing I have someone who will wait for when I'm ready and won't end up leaving when they don't get what they want.

"Knock knock." Chase softy tapped on my door as he pushed it open. Holding a cup of coffee and a croissant,he set it down next to me where I sat on the floor in front of my mirror doing my make-up. "Are you coming with me today?" He asked as he perched on the edge of the bed behind me. I had avoided going to shoots with him. I didn't want people to see my face, I didn't want the sympathy. "I don't know." I shortly replied taking a sip of the drink he made me. "I think you should. Clare misses you." He smiled looking at me through the mirror. I was the one that booked Chase all of his jobs and I couldn't help but think I left today free since nothing was worth his time. "You have work today?" I shot him a look through the mirror, he nodded seeming sure he did. "What is it?" I pressed. "A shoot, its for a new line." He seemed so sure. Maybe I just forgot. "I do miss Clare." I stared down into the cup. "So come with me." He moved, sitting on the floor behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, lightly kissing my bare shoulder. The warmth of his lips sent sparks all down my spine as the stop hitting my core.

Chase and I agreed that because we would take it slow we would try not to get intimate, its been nearly impossible. Sure we've made out and there been the cheeky ass slap here and there but I do miss the feeling of his body over mine. I never thought I would. I didn't know I could crave him as much as I do. He continued kissing my shoulder and I shot him a look as he stared into my eyes thought the mirrored glass. "What are you trying to do?" I couldn't help but smile. I knew that look in his eyes. "You healed well. You don't hurt anymore." He smiled and spoke softly against my skin. His hot breath sending even more tingles to my heat. "What time is this shoot? I'll have to get ready." I tired to change the subject be he only held me tighter. "It can wait." He huskily said as he kissed more going up along my neck like before his tongue lapped against my sweet spot. I melted under his touch. I missed it more than I could imagine.

Chase took a step back moving away from me. This would happen a lot. He would withdraw from me and I know we said to each other that this was a thing we didn't want to rush I couldn't help but be hurt by his actions. "And that's it?" I said quietly turning looking at him. Chase's jaw tightened, he exhaled audibly before looking me straight in the eyes. "We said we wouldn't and I dont want to rush you" "Fuck that, can't you see I've been wanting you these past days." I spat. "I don't want to push you, you listen to me." "Fucking make me!" I shouted finally getting up and pushing his shoulder. Chase stepped back, his dark hair falling over his eyes again. "Make you?" He asked quietly, the tone of aggression still in his voice. My stomach twanged, a small bundle of nerves wrapping over and over made worse by the shadows which hid his eyes. "Make me." I breathed.

All of a sudden my back his the wall hard. It was bound to leave a bruise tomorrow. His hands pinned mine above my head before he bent down to hover his face centimetres from mine. He never did this. Chase was always taller than me but right now it was intimidating. He was never rough or hard or passionate. I couldn't help the small smirk that turned the corners of my mouth up a little. Chase's eyes glanced down at my lips. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me." He clenched his jaw. "Seriously, Daisy? What are you trying to do to me?!" He hissed, pressing my wrists firmly into the wall behind me. Sighing, I glanced away from him. My stomach dropped and I pulled my wrists out of his grip, leaning against the wall. "I just want you to notice me, Just give me something. I didn't think it would be like this. I can't keep away from you. I miss you." "Do you think I havent been thinking about you? I've been trying to give you the space you wanted, I've been wanted to do something ever since the last time. Do you know how hard it is to love you?" "Take it out on me, why don't you? I don't just want you, Chase! I just sat to know who you are-" "And you think I'm not the same. Everyday I have to question wether your even into me like you say you are. I've seen you hurt so many people, I've seen you get hurt so many times and I don't want that to happen with us." "Prove it. Show me something to make me stay, Chase." Chase pushed off the wall, leaving my stomach to drop to the floor.

love is underrated.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz