I sat up a little straighter, even more surprised. "Oh, I am sorry to hear that," I said as I jotted down some notes in the file for our future sessions. I could feel Nick staring heavily at me. I paused, and looked up at him. I crossed my arms in front of me, and went to speak, but stopped when I saw the look that he had on his face. "I am sorry, is there something wrong? You have a weird look on your face," I said to him.

"I'm sorry.. I just.. I mean.. I gotta be honest. You weren't exactly what I expected," He stammered out again, showing his nervous tactics.

"What were you expecting?" I asked with a wrinkled forehead, unsure if this was a good or bad thing. I watched as he shrugged his shoulders and looked down. I waited for him to explain what he was thinking.

"I was expecting someone older. I also wasn't expecting you to be so hot," He bluntly, blurted out. I watched as he grew wide eyed at what he had just said. I think he caught both of us off guard because I was not expecting that either.

When I heard Nick say how hot I was I could feel my cheeks turning red. I tried to move us past this awkward situation as we sat there for a minute in silence. I let out a quick little laugh. "Um, thanks," I said as I let out another small laugh. "Let's keep this professional, okay?" I said in one of my warning tones, trying to remind Nick of where we were right now.

Nick nodded his head and smiled, " I am sorry. That was inappropriate, but I am not sorry I said it because you are hot. Woman should be told that once in a while," he said.

I quickly looked up at Nick, and shook my head, smiling. He was right, we do deserve to be told we are hot every once in a while, and quite frankly, I can't remember the last time I have been told that. I have been so preoccupied with NovaCare and working as much as I can, that I haven't allowed myself to have much of a social life lately. After my fiancé, Carter and I decided to call it quits, I kind of just buried myself in work. So, it is refreshing to hear someone compliment me. I had dated one guy, after Carter, recently, but he wasn't good with the compliments. 

I snapped my head out of my thoughts and looked back at the file, trying to focus. "Okay, Nick, so here is what I am wanting to do. After extensively looking through your file and all of x-rays, I would like to start physical therapy sooner rather than later." I said as I looked at Nick who was now leaning forward, watching me.

"Yes, sooner the better," he said.

"Okay, so I think that we should go ahead and start our first session on Friday, May 15

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"Okay, so I think that we should go ahead and start our first session on Friday, May 15. We can go ahead and go through the general idea of how things are going to go while you are in here. I think that we can start out with a walk through of your exercises. Right now, since your leg is still healing, and you can't put any pressure on it for about 6-8 weeks, we are going to just focus on those other "good limbs" and make sure that we are getting them back to their full potential. The goal is, while that leg is healing, we are continuously building up that muscle strength, and initially getting you stronger," I said to him. I watched as Nick took in everything I was saying. His hand came up to his mouth. He looked stressed out. "Listen, Nick. I am sure this is very overwhelming for you, but I promise we will get you back to where you were." I said, trying to reassure him.

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