Chapter 2 - A discord friend request

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After the stream

"You totally beat his ass," Tommy said with a thick accent, alarming Y/n as she turns around to catch him by her room's door frame. She snickers, ruffling his hair as she extends the holder on her luggage, readying for another long way back to her actual bedroom back in California.

She feels small, standing next to him now that he was so tall.

"You know you can stop doing that, I'm not a kid anymore." Y/n just rolls her eyes at him. He wasn't 18 just yet. She'll quit treating him like a kid when he stops being one. Though it does sort of feel like an ache in the heart knowing how much he's grown as a person. She'd never tell him, but she was proud of where he was now.

"Sure sure, whatever you say..." she scoffs lightly, walking towards the kitchen where Tom's mother was, waiting for them with a smile.

"MUM" Tommy greeted loudly but was quickly rejected when Y/n pushes his head down and holds it there till his mother owns pleading for forgiveness for his loud voice.

"Thanks, Y/n. Hey, we're leaving for the airport quite soon, you wanna go get your stuff?" Tommy's mother asked sweetly, sipping her drink as she cleans up a bit.

Now it was Y/n's turn to act like a child, letting go of Tommy and moping around, leaning by the counter and letting herself fall overtop of it, whining, "no." Not yet wanting to leave the family.

"YEAH, NO!" Tommy seconds, raising his fist in the air as if he were starting a riot. "Tell em' Tommy." She snickers against the counter, Tommy's mother chuckling at their duo.

"I know you don't wanna leave honey... I don't want you to leave either but next time we'll visit you alright?"

Second mom ruffled her hair, rounding the counter to pull her up and give her a brief hug.

"Alright..." Y/n finally agrees. They walk to her room together. Since she visited them frequently, they had a guest bedroom turned into a room for her when she would visit. It would remain off limits to anybody else if she wasn't there and there were guests over.

It made Y/n feel a lot less lonely than when sleeping in her apartment back in Cali.

Too bad she's on her way back home. Back home from a month-long sleepover at her favourite family's house. Away from her responsibilities.

Back to her own streams...
At the airport

After tagging her luggage, Y/n sighs and walks to see her second family, "Welp.. guess I'll see you Christmas." she strained a smile, cringing at the sentence since summer was just ending.

"We'll see you soon kid" Tommy's dad ruffled her hair, patting her shoulder before letting Tom's mom hug her half to death. She let go after a long minute of rib crushing and Y/n finally had the time for Tommy; pained as if he needed to take a shit.

"You constipated..?" Y/n raises a brow, grinning devilishly at him as he laughs at her comment, shaking his head before furrowing his brows, waiting.

"He's just trying not to cry" Second mom giggled and Y/n held her arms open for him which he rejected, slapping her arms away as she teases, "aww it's okay Tomathy I'll be back!" Y/n still insists, chasing him around his parents till her arms were around him.

"I'm not crying! Now go away woman, you'll miss your dumb flight" He pulled away, trying to free himself from her womanly grip.

Eventually, she lets go, having enough of Tommy's pathetic struggle against her strength and she smiles. She bids her last goodbyes once again, finally having the courage to turn and leave for security.

"See ya! I'll Dm you on Discord" She yelled to Tommy one last time before running toward the attendants, soon leaving the area towards the chairs by her gate.

She had to admit, she hated this moment each time, leaving Tommy again. This trip she had the chance to meet Niki and Tubbo too...

Just as her eyes start to get watery, she receives a DM on Discord from Tommy.

TommyInnit Today at 11:30 PM
safe travels woman

U/n Today at 11:30 PM
I hope this plane crashes and ends my misery🕺

Snickering to herself, Y/n turns her phone off, opting for a snack before she boards her plane.
On the plane // 2:00 AM

Y/n had woken up after a two-hour long nap on her plane as she boarded it at midnight and practically passed out the second she buckled in.

She had about nine hours left and she had been enjoying her music quietly to herself while others slept or watched movies, eating the airplane food they gave out just recently.

She spent her time editing a video on her MacBook, having many tabs open; Discord, Spotify, the editing app she used, a notification came from one, Twitter.

She was tagged in a new tweet.

Technoblade 🐷 @Technothepig • 3m
@U/n accept my friend request on discord nerd.

Blood good came for more blood. Smirking to herself as she skims through the teasing replies, Y/n sighs and clicks onto Discord to look for Techno's single request in a swarm of others.

Lucky guy.

Clearly, Technoblade was eager to speak to Y/n as he DM's her almost immediately after she accepts his request.

Techno Today at 2:06 AM
Hey nerd

U/n Today at 2:06 AM
Sorry what time is it for you??
Cause I can't make up the time right now

Techno Today at 2:06 AM
Aren't you with Tommy?

U/n Today at 2:07 AM
No I live in Cali
I'm just flying back there

Techno Today at 2:07 AM
I'm too lazy to check

U/n Today at 2:07 AM
Omg ok what did you need????

Techno Today at 2:07 AM

U/n Today at 2:07 AM

Techno Today at 2:08 AM

U/n Today at 2:08 AM
You wanna stream together sometime?

Techno Today at 2:08 AM
I mean sure...
If you insist...

Man was this guy's pride so big. Though Y/n did find it sort of endearing knowing someone in the world was at her level.

She's thinking to herself, how easily interested she'd gotten and how fast they built a bond, how she's been missing a friend she didn't know she needed. A notification pops up again, reminding her she's forgotten to reply to Techno.

Techno Today at 2:09 AM
Is this weekend good..?

U/n Today at 2:09 AM
yeah I think that's enough time to get rid of my jet lag :D

Techno Today at 2:09 AM
See ya then

Snickering to herself, Y/n clicks off her discord tab and onto Spotify to change the music briefly, her mood just a little better than before.

She's made a new friend.

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