Chapter 1 - Technoblade never dies

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"What the hell.." Techno refreshed Tommy's Twitter page, rereading his post over and over again.

TommyInnit @tommyinnit 3m

Wilbur Soot @Wilbur... 1m
She is lol

Usually, Techno wouldn't care for such nonsense online. But when he'd seen people debating who was better, he wanted to settle it for sure who'd win in a 1v1, and if there'd be money involved.

Who even was U/n anyways? He's heard Tommy mention the username before but Techno's always muted any form of speech from him before getting to hear more.

Deciding to do more research, Techno clicked off Twitter to check Tommy's stream.

Along with his cracking voice came females. It was neither high nor low, just in the middle but it was still sweet and slightly monotone with a Cali accent he's heard before. She wasn't British that's for sure, but what was she doing at Tommy's house to be controlling his stream?

For once. Tommy's face cam was turned off. Must've been another faceless streamer if so. By the sound of it, Tommy was in the back of the room as the so-called U/n played Bedwars.

"GET EM' Y/n!" Techno could hear Tommy yelling from the back.

"I'm getting 'em." Replied U/n with a bored tone. She knocked off a person with a block of wool sneaking into another base before the rest of green she was fighting off came rushing for her. She simply knocked them off again, building a wall between them where she hid in the defence of the bed before mining towards the middle and breaking the bed.

"Got 'em." she snickered.

It wasn't too impressive. So what if she can play Bedwars? That didn't necessarily mean she was better than Techno. He didn't think she was worth the 1v1.

"Aaand getting blue."

Clicking back onto Tommy's stream, Techno watched with curiosity as Y/n single-handedly broke all the beds in their game. Tommy was still cheering in the back, chanting her username over and over till she'd warned him to shut up before his mother came and did it herself.

Tommy protested back, telling her he could be as loud as he wants cause he was a 'big man,' which Y/n merely scoffed at him, agreeing sarcastically.

"Whatever makes you happy Tommy." She mutters as she's focused on destroying blue's bed.

Debating against his thoughts, Technoblade decided to donate two dollars asking to 1v1 with the female. If she was any better than Dream, this could've meant a lot of clout.

"TECHNO MAH FRIEND. YOU'RE GONNA LOSE." Tommy's challenging voice teased with a rasp. he could hear the chair Tommy was sitting on squeak and cause a ruckus, thudding against the door when he nearly falls backwards. Briefly, Y/n scolds him for distracting her.

"Sure sure. Just let me finish this game, kay?"

A tinge of warmth rushed over Techno's cheeks as the female spoke. Something about their voice was oddly alluring. Sort of polite? He couldn't tell what it was, but whatever it is, it had him sitting patiently in Tommy and his private DM's, waiting to hop into a VC.

He lightly tapped his fingers against his desk, his other hand pressed into a fist and against his lips, sheepish that he was actually waiting for a woman?
Or wait- he shouldn't assume so casually-

All of a sudden, the discord call notification begins to ring and his hands flinch against his desk.


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