(Oneshot #2) Assistance?

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-Whitty x Disabled!Reader (somewhat stubborn, and somewhat disabled but not too severely)- Basically you temporarily can't use your legs, and boom boom man assists you! (Fluff? I think lol) btw this isn't really relating to like Updyke and YK I'd say like- uh idk how to describe it but I hope you get what I mean ahagjwbs

Requested by:


It was a Sunday evening and you didn't have anything to do to polish the day away from work, however, you thought of an idea. You called a specific bomb head which is your one and only boyfriend to get him together at a skate park. When you all got together at the skating park with good sizes of skateboards that both of you are viable to utilize involved in both your hands. Both of you went at it for a decent 2 hours as you both begin to feel depleted, so both of you went on a walk around the closest supermarket there is to get a few boosts. In the wake of buying cold beverages from the supermarket, the both of you chose to stroll down where the underground stopping was and likely sit someplace and chill. Yet, at that point out of nowhere, you detected a shopping cart, and you saw there was a little way that drives downhill, so then your dumb ass considered getting into the cart and ride downhill. you didn't figure anything could turn out badly! Whitty continued proposing that you shouldn't and it would be a poorly conceived notion, and as obstinate as you were, you prepared and went inside the cart in any case. Before the stopping point, then guess what? you injured yourself.

"Great going dumbass."

was all that this bomb-headed mf said while you were in torment. He was without a doubt worried also and saw that you were flinching in pain with tears on the edges of your eyes, so he immediately got you and hurried you to the emergency for you to get your injury treated. he was concerned as he took a gander at your injury, the specialist additionally declared that you needed to utilize supports due to you're left harmed leg, you likewise had a go at strolling yet you continued wincing in pain.

from that point onward, Whitty continued requesting you to remain at his place for now as your injury recuperates. You were adequately obstinate to say back that you would be fine alone and you would oversee consummately, obviously, Whitty realized that you definitely would not with an impaired leg, and with that good for nothing side of yours. So how did he respond? he realized you were unable to do excessively or flee with one leg, so he inclined down, folded his arm over your little midsection for help, grabbed your supports and snared them around his arm, and scooped you into a wedding style right back to his place.

"Babe, I'm fine! take me back home!"

"We ARE going home, and you're staying with me for the meantime."



'this bomb-headed, adorable asshole.'

- P R E S E N T -

(just pretend he got squishy cheeks aha)

It was right now a bright Monday morning, and you clearly didn't have any desire to demolish this chance to go out and go through the outing in the daylight, yet then you realized. You groaned unobtrusively making an effort not to awaken your boyfriend who was resting adequately. you faced him as you stared at Whitty and you thought he looked so attractive, well you generally considered him day in and day out so you generally thought he was charming, delightful, and Gawd Dayum hot. you needed to awaken him however delicately, so you cupped his cheeks and began to squish them and plant delicate pecks all over his face as he let out a little murmur.

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