Chapter One

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This tour could not get any better. First I find out that my ever-so-faithful boyfriend has cheated on me, once again, and then I get too distracted by my emotions and fall off stage. Just lovely.

So, here I am in a hospital room, waiting to get my ankle looked at by a doctor whom is taking his sweet ass time. Mama and I have been waiting for over thirty minutes. I just wish they'd hurry up and give me some painkillers.

"Mr. Penniman how are you this fine evening?" Asks an angelic voice.

"Fi-" I start until I lay my eyes on the most gorgeous man I've ever seen.

His hair is dark and messy, but yet tamed. Behind his black-rimmed glasses are two of the brownest eyes I've ever seen. They are the darkest I've ever seen. Almost black, but yet so full of life.

"Are you alright?" The man with the angelic voice asks me.

"Y-y-yeah," I gracefully stutter as I check him over head-to-toe.

Oh, please tell me that this gift from above is gay. Gay and single. I doubt he's gay, but I can wish.

His body is solid and built. The sea-green scrubs cling tightly to him. It should be illegal to be that toned and a doctor. It's very distracting.

He flashes me a concerning smile as he sits on the steal grey rolling chair next to the bed.

"Pull yourself together Mika Penniman!" Mama demands as she smacks the back of my head.

The doctors concerning smile turns into a true one as he chuckles to himself. I roll my eyes as I rub the back of my head and then shoot her a glare.

"So, how are you feeling?" He asks, stressing the word 'are' and giving me that lively smile.

"I'm alright," I giggle. "How about yourself?"

He looks down at his clipboard and then back up at me, "a little tired. But I think I can manage to stay awake long enough to take care of you."

Oh my. I'm pretty sure that if it were humanly possible I would have melted into that bed. He's 100% gay. And if he's not, he will be.

He smiles just one more time before turning into doctor mode, "well I'm Dr. Hanson and it looks like you've thankfully only sprained your ankle. There's no fractures. And you hopefully will not have to be off of it for that long. The swelling has already gone down."

Dr. Hanson flashes me another smile as he does his doctor business with my ankle. His hands are thankfully not freezing. They are warm and soft.

"So, I am going to have the nurse put a brace on it and fit you for some crutches and then you are free to go. I can give you some painkillers if you'd like," he says as he stands up and washes his hands.

"Yea, that'd be nice," I answer as he re-approaches me.

"Okay. Well I'll have that ready for you, but it was nice meeting you and I hope you heal up quickly," he says as he extends his hand.

I shake his hand and nod. As soon as he exits the nurse wraps my ankle and fits me for some crutches. As mama and I sign the discharge papers and grab my prescription I see him again.

He is standing behind the nurses station on the phone. I can't help but to eavesdrop:

"I told you Liam, you-no-I'll be home soon," he says as he slams the phone.

"Sorry," he apologizes to everyone that was starring at him and storms off.

Storms out of my life.

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