Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Sam watched Trinity's eyes flickering back and forth while she read a book and suddenly realized something.

"Trinity, when did you change your eye color?"

She shifted. "I didn't. They've always been green, Sammy. Guess you just haven't been looking close enough."

Standing from his seat, he walked over and sat beside her. She sighed and put her book down, now realizing that she'd have to converse with him.

"I distinctly remember you having blue eyes."

She shrugged. "Your memory's screwed up then."

"You can't lie to me, Trin. What made you change?"

"Nothing," she said as she picked back up her book.

Sam wasn't finished talking to her though, and his hand covered both pages. "Trinity, come on. It's not a big deal. I'm just curious."

"Green's my favorite color," she said offhandedly.

"That isn't it. I know for a fact your favorite color is brown, like tree bark. You made a big deal about loving the forest and hating when we had a job near it because you didn't want to ruin it."

"Sam, I gave you an answer. Can you leave now?" Her eyes bored into his, and he saw that she wasn't going to give him a real answer. But there was something else there, something curiously similar to the look in Dean's eye when Sam emotionally stabbed him.

"If you won't tell me, then talk to Dean about it. Alright? You look like you could use a good venting session."

She chuckled and lowered her eyes back to the words. As he started to get up, she said quietly, "Sometimes we can only vent to ourselves."

He frowned and walked away to talk to Dean.

"Hey, Sammy! Trinity!" Dean exclaimed from the other end of the library, making both siblings look up. He waved them over, and with a sigh Trinity set the book down and followed her younger brother over to her older brother while the librarian hushed them.

"Look at this. We've got a job."

Sam leaned down and read the article off of the library computer. "'Thirty-seven year old Richard Newton was involved in an unfortunate and unexplainable accident this past Friday when witnesses say they saw him standing outside smoking. As an avid smoker, Richard could often be found on his driveway with a cigarette in his hand. But this time, witnesses testify, he caught their attention when he abruptly stood and started screaming, stomping bare-footed on the lit cig to put it out. When the last bit of heat was gone from it, he fell over in convulsions and died. Officially, the cause of death was suffocation, but many locals are skeptical about what really happened.'"

Trinity's eyebrows shot up. "Suffocation? Think that could be because he was a smoker?"

"Probably, because two days before that, an alcoholic died of alcohol poisoning, but he'd been getting better and was two weeks clean."

"That could just be a coincidence," said Sam.

"The body was clean of alcohol," Dean continued. "No trace he'd even been in the same room as a bottle of whiskey."

The younger siblings glanced at each other and nodded. "Okay. Let's go check it out."

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