26 The Wedding

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It was a gorgeous little place outside and on a long table there were already masks laid out. They went through them all, Sapnap settling on a white crescent shaped one and y/n found a mask that looked like a butterfly was laid over nearly the entire upper half of her face.

They then actually helped set up the diamond blue and black decorations like Sapnap had claimed and things got started as people arrived and took seats, y/n didn't recognize any of those there really until she saw a rather tall man with green hair. And she got up from her seat beside Sapnap startling him as they had been talking, and she made her way to the man with a rather silly looking raccoon mask of sorts.

"Well sir, I don't believe I saw your name on the roster" y/n said playfully to him, shocking him as he heard her voice.

"Y/n? What on earth are you doing here?" He said in a panicked whisper but hugged her gently still

"I'm here with a friend- don't worry we're ok...we plan to give a gift to them grab some food then head out- I didn't think I'd see you here" she said as she hugged him warmly and in an environment like this where there was few who he didn't feel comfortable with he actually had a second set of arms out to see for once.

Sam was an interesting hybrid to say the least, a creeper and a human, too many questions and too little time to try and understand. He usually only used the second set to fight or build but it took energy to cast the Magog so he let himself be comfortable in times like this.

"Well I'm technically registered as a member here and Bad's a good pal...I think I need to find a seat but if you want we can talk for a bit after?" He offered hopefully

"For sure- I always have time for you Sammy" she smiled as she pulled his childhood nickname and he just rolled his eyes behold his cartoon like mask and gently patted her head before he went to sit like he said and y/n went to sit with Sapnap again. Who seemed to look a little flustered but perked up seeing her walk back to him.

"I didn't know Sam would be here" he said as she sat

"Yea I didn't either, it's nice to see him though" y/n said softly but Sapnap couldn't answer as soft piano music started and the wedding started as finally.

As a soft song could be heard from an organ the song unknown to Y/n she couldn't help but smile as Bad stood at the altar, he was visibly nervous as he stood in quite a regal looking outfit though for the sake of the room he was only 5'8 for room purposes and because Skeppy wouldn't be able to reach him is he was too tall. A man with cat-like features and a man with bright red hair stood beside bad and a man with pink hair and a pig skull mask stood visibly uncomfortable beside where Skeppy would stand. y/n recognized him as Technoblade, the man Wilbur had talked to and had seen him with Phil. Her hands gently grabbed onto Sapnaps as she felt a bit nervous though he just thought she was getting nervous because of Dream and George a few rows away and gently wrapped an arm around her pulling her close. Soon enough though the music changed up a bit and bads eyes went directly to the entrance and soon enough there he was.

Skeppy stood in a suit top and a gorgeous skirt both white with a tint of blue and was adorned with crystals. He looked a tiny bit flustered but overall he was beaming with joy. They were the only ones without masks though all but Y/n, Dream and Techno had their masks off or resting on their forehead.

When Skeppy made it to his place it looked like Bad was going to start sobbing already but Skeppy took his hands and pulled him a bit closer as he whispered softly to him in between some of their vows that were practically inaudible because of the how nervous they seemed as bad was a stuttering mess and whatever Skeppy was saying had bad as red as a cherry but still so very happy. Soon enough they sealed away their love with an I do and kiss each and the room was filled with cheers followed by soft laughter as Skeppy managed to dip Bad carefully. He then picked him up being able to barely while he was even this tall as he carried out bad who was screeching to be put down his face having gone bright red again.

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