11 back to bed we go

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The next morning they were all still in bed but rather than snuggled up Y/n was curled up while Tommy was sprawled out a limb over her and tubbo who was a bit sprawled out over y/n. As the sun shone through a window above head on the ceiling Tubbo started to stir a bit and he yawned and sat up a bit feeling nice and warm and comfortable but he nearly had a heart attack as he opened his eyes to see a woman in the room reading. In a panic he sat up fully trying not to wake the others.The woman looked over hearing him move and much to his surprise she simply smiled at tubbo.

"Good morning" she said softly and he seemed to tense a bit and he waved a bit " didn't think you would ever wake up" she said as she stretched out a bit and put her book down "It's nice to meet you im Captain Puffy and as of right now the only reason you have a head" she said as she stood. She was about average height but her boots gave her a bit extra height and cloud like white locks were pulled back into some kind of loose ponytail as her calm berry blue eyes seemed to look over the three teens but something a bit interesting was the long soft looking ears that were a bit similar to tubbos and her own horns that gently went around her ears and touched her cheeks

Tubbo looked nervous as he processed her words "H-how? And why" he asked softly trying to wake up still but he was shocked to say the least but he still kept his voice low so he didn't wake them still

"Dreams mad that you didn't listen and stay in your rooms- especially Tommy since he snuck past the doctor..he doesn't know you're in here though...he thinks i just want to keep an eye on her" she said as she motioned to Y/n who slept peacefully.

"Ok...and how come we're not dead then ma'am" tubbo asked as he calmed starting to trust her

"Because I'm not heartless..now why don't you wake them up and I'll leave you to get dressed for breakfast..i brought you boys clothes when I saw you were in here... we'll just say you were found in one of the lounges" she said and handed them the clothes from the boys room then she stepped out to let them be.

Tubbo wasted no time to shake the sleeping bricks beside him to wake them and he was met was a disorientated Tommy and a very sleepy Y/n who he had to physically pull out of the bed as he briefed them on what Puffy had told them and he scurried to get dressid in what he was brought and he threw tommys clothes at him while y/n stumbled to get her clothes and change in the bathroom.

Tommy kept his pajama shirt per the doctors orders and he had on some comfortable baggy pants, tubbo had a simple green button up and some jeans while y/n wore the only thing she was given a skirt and a cream colored blouse. She looked irritated and rightfully so as she looked for pants of any kind but there weren't any. When tubbo took notice of this he poked his head out to ask puffy for another pair which he thanked her for then handed the pants to y/n, some black pants that were a bit too big for her circumference and lengthwise but regardless with a belt she was much happier.

The three walked out and were led by Puffy quietly from the room back to the dining room where the three pricks were already seated but additionally there was Bad and a seat for puffy and Tommy at the table now. Dream sat at the head of the table and despite not seeing his face they could just tell he was pissed off while the rest of the table was silent. They sat at the table nervous as they kept eyeing dream to be sure he didn't snap.

"Have a nice night out boys?" he said finally which made the trouble makers all shudder "I asked you to do something so simple as didn't in your room" he said as he clenched his fists but as Puffy gave him a stern look he loosened up a bit and he sighed "Your off the hook as it was the first night but if i catch you i'm throwing you in the dungeon-" he hissed

"T-tubbo and Tommy don't do well alone...tubs probably got a bit upset" Y/n said as she fidgeted with her hands not looking at any of them. She was sitting in between sapnap and puffy so she was uncomfortable but she seemed to lean towards puffy a bit.

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