Chapter 2- His name is...

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I'm sorry for the first short chapter! Please don't kill me!!!!!!

        You watched him, and he stared nervously at the arrow you had in his face.

        "Why are you here?" you started.

        "Because- Because I got bored in there."

        "How did you get out?" my tone was harsh.

        "I don't know!"

        "What is your name?"

        He didn't respond to that question.

        "Who. Are. You?" you say one last time.

       He looked up at you, away from the arrow. You pulled your arrow away a bit but kept it pointed at him. He sat up carefully and slowly and you got a better look at him. A well sculpted face, a heart-shaped face(Not actually a heart!), deep brown hair but nowhere near black at the same time. His light brown eyes looked kiddish. His under-shirt was dark-blue and ripped. Dirt and grass stains littered his shirt, lke he had fallen down many times. He had a button down shirt, yellow color inside, and dark orange and yellow plaid outside. The sleeves were rolled up above his elbows, revealing scratches all over his arm. He had navy pants, worn out holes on his knees and thighs. Black marks covered the bottom part of his pants. He had buckskin color boots, not steel toe you can easily tell, burnt marks scar his boots. (**I'ma give a hat**) He had one of those Canadian hats, fur inside and ear flap things. The fur was brown while the outside had a checkered pattern colored browny and a red color.

        "Why does he look like a straight up lumberjack? It looks like he cant even pick up a axe..." You thought to yourself.

        "Are you a lumberjack?" you blurt out.

        "N-no... Please don't hurt me!" he said, peeking out of his hat, then hiding his eyes again.

        He looked skinny. Like a little stick. You held your hand out.

      "I won't hurt you if you don't hurt me. Deal?" you smiled as he lifted his hat. And put it where it belongs on his head. Not on his face.

        "Deal." he grabbed your hand and shook it weakly. You felt him shaking. You gripped his fingers like a man and did a good deal shake.

        "OW! Are you even a girl?! You a guy!!" he yelled, yanking his hand back.

        "Catch yourself before you catch others." you say, pulling him to his feet.

      He was taller than you thought. He actually looks strong and he did have SOME muscle. He had a more gentle and less scared face now. He was probably fine, even if he did just crawl out of a computer.

        You led him to the kitchen. He followed quietly behind you. Theres a kitchen on all the floors well not yours, the fith floor. You looked at him as figured it was dinner and your family isn't home you can make a good dinner. You never liked your parents cooking.

"Ok lets see.... Chicken... Mashed potatos..... Restaurant Lets go" you went outside abd led him to a good place to eat. Both of you sat down and order something.

"Oh i never told you my name. My name is Herobrine." he smiled and continued his meal.

"Nice to met you Herobrine. My name is (y/n)"

'Herobrine? Oh yes but he look waaay different. Maybe hes not what people say he is. Maybe thats all a lie. But right now i know he has no intention in killing me.
What are you hiding?
Why aren't you killing me?
Why am i the chosen one?
Whats the reason?' you questioned yourself. You watch the legendary herobrine eat...across...from you...not killing you...why is this so weird?

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