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Extremely important author's note at the end, PLEASE READ.

May 20th, 2017

It has been a few days more than a month since Taylor and Harry fought, and it felt like whatever emotional aspects they built for their relationship has gone down the drain. They are back to just meaningless sex for the night, cuddling until the sun comes up, and they are back to strangers. If Harry knows every single inch of Taylor at night, then in the morning, they get dressed like two strangers and leave for school in separate cars.

"Okay, stop this nonsense, the both of you," Niall said after being fed up with Taylor and Harry's interaction towards each other. "I'd very much endure the PDA you used to make me gag with than this hatred, forced interactions."

"I agree. If you guys are broken up or going through a tough time, just say that, and we would be here to help you. If you don't need help, then act like adults, mature up and talk it out. This childish shit is getting tiring." Rocky said as Taylor just look down at her food and Harry sitting still looking at them. She knew he was deep in thoughts because his legs won't stop shaking.

"What do you want us to do? Pretend like she didn't fucking hurt me?" Harry spoke up, not mad or anything, just indifferent, which seems to hurt Taylor even more. At least when they were screaming at each other's faces, she knew he felt something, something for him to get to that emotion. Now it's just coldness.

"I know she's in the wrong, but you guys are made for each other. Soulmates have fought too, but the least you can do is trying to solve your shit out." Selena pitched into the conversation. Kendall was staying quiet just because she wants to get to know Harry's side before making up her mind on what she thinks they should do. It's hard for her to talk to him because Harry and Rocky aren't close like Harry and Niall and Taylor shares her thoughts with Kendall much more than she does with Selena.

"Can you guys stop saying that we are soulmates? Soulmates know each other, inside and out. Harry and I know each other's bodies, and that's about it. He doesn't know my favorite color, my favorite fruit, my favorite flowers, nothing! So stop saying that we are soulmates." Taylor raised her voice at all of them. It seems so easy for her to do so lately, just completely lost in anger. Everyone seems to be completely quiet until Harry spoke up.

"Purple and red, cherry, but you love kiwi too and sunflower." He said before staring at her straight in the eyes as he stands up to clear both of their plates, a habit Harry still keeps since they were still dating. "You said I don't know anything about you? I know everything about you, Taylor, but I don't think you could say the same about me."

"I-..." Taylor stutter as she watches Harry turn his back to dispose their plates. The others just sat there and shook their head. Harry has done some bad things in the past, but he had changed for Taylor, but she just took it for granted, like that's what's supposed to happen.

"You fucked up, sis. Big time, that's all I can say," Rocky said before standing up to clean up everyone else's plate.

"What do I do?" Taylor asks, hopelessly thinking about their relationship.

"You do what makes you happy, babe. Maybe you are not meant to each other at this moment; maybe it's better this way; maybe you will meet again 10 years later when you are both mature and know how to love each other properly." Niall said truthfully and hugged her. Kendall and Selena just sat there, a sad expression on their face, but the two girls have no clue how to help their best friend.

The bell rang, and everyone entered class except for Kendall and Harry, who has a free period. In a rush, the crowd of people pass through the corridor and turn back to being silent in just a few minutes. How fast life moves and things change.

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