Chapter 1: Molly's POV

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"Stop it!" Mom yells, and we become silent. Oliver and I let go of each other quickly. "Flynn and Jesse, apologize to Oliver. Oliver and Molly, apologize to each other. Now!" She demands, and we do as we're told. "Good, now sit and eat before school. Molly, go wake up James, I don't need another call about you guys being late again."

I go down the hall and hear my brother singing in the shower. I pound loudly on the door, which causes him to scream. I try not to laugh at the girly high pitch scream that came from my brother. "Hurry up! Mom will kill you if we end up late again," I yell through the door.

"Okay, give five minutes," He says. I break into laughter as I walk away. I settle down once I get into the kitchen. I walk up to Oliver, who was glaring at me.

"You have about five minutes to get ready before James and I leave you here," I tell Oliver who rolls his eyes and takes a big bite of his food, well what was left of my food. I grab my bag and sit on the couch and wait for James.

James comes out and looks at Oliver, who is still in his pajamas, which was just a pair of gym shorts. "Are you really going to wear that to school?" He asks him. Oliver looks down and realizes what he was wearing. He would've noticed sooner if he listened to me. "Hurry and change before I leave you here," James says and Oliver runs upstairs. "And wake up Evan. I might wait for you, but I won't wait for him!"

Instead of waiting for my brother's inside, I run to James's truck and sit in the passenger's seat. I would've had to fight Oliver for the seat if I waited. I looked at phone, which I haven't done all morning, and see three texts from Jack, one of my best friends.

Jack: hey, I'll wait for you in front of school so don't be late
Jack: molly get here quick. You want to see this.
Jack: molls?

I quickly text him back that I'm on my way. What is so important that I can't miss? It wasn't even a minute when James, Oliver, and Evan come out of the house. Oliver sees me in the passenger seat and rolls his eyes. I give him a smug look as he walked past my door and opened the back one.

"You always get the front seat. If we weren't in a hurry, I would have pulled you out of that seat," Oliver tells me, and I push my seat back so he didn't have any leg room where he was. "Seriously?"

"What? I need the leg room Ollie," I say, and James laughs as he puts the key in to start the car. I hear Oliver mumble something about everyone being against him. "Hey, Jack said something is going on, so can you drive faster," I ask James. He normally drives like an old man, unless he was with his friends.

He doesn't answer me, but he does fulfill my request. He drove fast, and we got to school earlier than normal. Once he parked, I jumped out of the car, and I ran to the front of the school. There was a big crowd of people standing in a circle. In the crowd, I see Jack and I walk up to him.

"What was so-" I start, but Jack shushes me and points to the middle of the crowd. Standing there was Amanda Lange and Aidan Miller, one of the biggest power couples of the school. They have been dating for almost five months, but it seems like they weren't going to reach that milestone.

"But I thought we were okay. We never fought, we always understood each other. Why are you doing this?" Amanda asks, but it sounded more like begging. Tears were streaming down her face, and her make up was running. "Please don't do this. I'll change. I'll be better. I don't understand."

"It's not hard Andrea. I'm simply over you. No amount of tears would change that," Aidan says and heads inside before Amanda could grab him and plead more.

"You're a jerk, Aidan Miller!" Amanda yells before he enters the building, but it doesn't stop him. He doesn't even look back at her.

The crowd began to disperse, and I got a better look at Amanda. She was on the ground covering her face, but I knew what she looked like. She looked like a wreck. Her make up was smudged with tears. She didn't want anyone to see her like that, but it was too late anyway. I looked at Jack, then Amanda. I didn't want to leave her there. I grab a pack of tissues out of my back pack and hold them out to her. She looks at me then the tissue before accepting them.

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