
Start from the beginning

"Of course Dumbledore knows," Lyall said as rubbed his eyes with the hand that wasn't holding a copy of the Prophet he had fallen asleep reading. "He doesn't miss anything, than old man."

Mia passed out the letters to the teenagers, who all opened them in turn to see how long their trip was going to be.

James and Hollis's eyes simultaneously widened in excitement.

"I'm quidditch captain!" they both shouted at the exact same time, their words not a second off from the other's.

The Gryffindor and Slytherin slowly turned their heads towards the other with jokingly raised eyebrows and crossed arms. 

Hope grinned at Fleamont as their kids proceeded to grab each other's letters and see if they were telling the truth, only to break their serious faces and hug the other.

"I'm proud of you, James," Hollis said as he wrapped his arms around her. "Really I don't understand how someone so bloody thick-"

"Oh, screw you, Rosier."

Everyone in the kitchen laughed at their exchange, and Euphemia announced that it was time to go to Diagon Alley to get their new books for Defense Against the Dark Arts which, once again, had a new professor.

"Already?" Sirius cried.

"We've put it off until now, hurry along now unless you're planning to wear those socks," Fleamont said teasingly. "And don't spend an hour brushing your hair."

To everyone's surprise, Sirius did end up following these instructions and they were all by the fireplace a quarter hour later.

"We'll take the Floo Power," Fleamont said, gesturning to the other Potters. "Meet you by Gringotts."

Hollis felt an immense amount of unspoken guilt as she grabbed Remus's hand to apparate. It was her father's fault that Hope couldn't come with them so they could all go through the fireplace because of his law against muggles.

"Oh, don't worry dear," Hope smiled warmly at Hollis as she saw the girl's expression and expertly read it. "I don't mind."

Hollis smiled back, but it was smaller than usual.

A couple of seconds later in a whir of cracks and green flames, Lupin Cottage was empty.

Much to the parent's relief, their children transitioned smoothy to Gringotts; something hadn't gone wrong with the four mischevious teenagers for once in their lives.

Fleamont had been right about needing to get to Diagon Alley early, the snowy white building that towered over the other little shops already had a very heavy flow of visitors streaming into it, ready to gather their money.

As Sirius, Remus, Hollis, and James walked ahead of their parents up the white marble staircase and pushed open the burnished bronze doors, a sense of excitement came over them to start the new school year fresh and without nearly as much hidden between them.

"Family names?" a goblin asked with a bored, nasal voice as the party of eight stepped forward.

"Lupin and Potter," Euphemia said, making Hollis stiffen slightly.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Potter, please don't pay for me," she said in a low tone. "I don't need anything else from you. You've already done so much."

Fleamont's eyebrows furrowed as he wrapped an arm around his wife's shoulders.

"Please, let us," he added on to Hollis. "How are you even going to get it otherwise?"

The dark eyed girl bit her bottom lip in thought before turning back around to the counter where the goblin had been waiting impatiently.

CURSES AND CANDIES - REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now