The Dresses and the Kiss

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Hermione stepped back into the room feeling better than she ever had in her adult life. Ever. She would not have changed a thing about her friendship with Harry, but there is no denying the stress it had put into her life. At that moment though, she couldn’t remember why she had been so tense lately.

There was another note on the same silver platter as earlier in the day.


As delicious as, I am sure, you looked in that bathing suit, or the towel you are currently sporting, I am confident you would rather your precious Weaselbee pass on before gracing my presence in such an attire. As such, I have taken the liberty to choose a few items I hope will be to your liking.


His note, his implication specifically, should have set her off. However, after the day she had, and knowing it was all him, she couldn’t find it within her to be mad. If anything, she found it to be rather funny, in a crude and low-brow sort of way.

Hermione turned around and found the closet behind her. She pulled the doors open and was speechless. A few? The closet, the closet the size of a small room, was full of clothing, and gorgeous clothing, at that. While most had been dresses or crop-top and high-waisted skirt combos, there were a few flowy dress pants that were absolutely beautiful. So much of the selection was exactly how she would want to dress if she had the money. The vast majority were not revealing. She could tell that many of the items were still very sexy, but with modesty in the way that left it to be imagination. There was no way around it. Malfoy had good taste, and whether she would admit it or not, class. This was a difficult decision, knowing she only had the opportunity to wear one item and she would most likely never see these again.

At closer inspection, Hermione saw a similar tag dangling from each hanger. There was a note attached to every single dress or outfit telling her why he selected it with varying degrees of seriousness.

“The only reason I like red is because of how much you apparently like red. Bloody Gryffindors.”

“This dress made me think of the Yule Ball. I’m sorry he hurt you, and I am sorry I did nothing to make you see how wonderful you are.”

“Blue radiates calmness and intelligence. While you need no assistance in the latter, I hope I can instill at least a modicum calmness in your life… I know I am starting at a severe disadvantage.”

“There was no real reason behind this outfit. I simply thought it looked fun. Clothing should be fun sometimes, no matter what my mother says.”

“Two years ago you wore a white dress to one of those galas you clearly did not want to attend. I did not tell you then how beautiful you looked, but if you choose this dress I will not stop telling you.”

“Who doesn’t want a pair of yellow pants?”

She couldn’t believe what she was reading. Bringing up Hogsmead trips, previous galas and random days in November from years ago. She was in awe of how much work went into the display before her. One in particular caught her off guard and caused her to laugh rather hard.

“Is it strange that I find your collarbones sexy?” What does that even mean?

“Green, because I always believed you would do well in Slytherin.” Yeah, right.

“I thought you would appreciate an option in lilac… Do you still fawn over Lockhart?” Hermione felt a rush of embarrassment. How could he have known that? Did everyone know that? Was she really that obvious?

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