remember me

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TW// mentions of character death, mentions of child abuse, violence, cussing, injuries

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TW// mentions of character death, mentions of child abuse, violence, cussing, injuries

Summary: Jschlatt revived...visits Tubbo in Snowchester

꒰ 🥥 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚

Tubbo really enjoyed this. The cold winter breeze caressing his face, painting his cheeks into a deep shade of pink. The very cozy atmosphere Snowchester had, especially since the sun had already almost disappeared, instead the previous baby blue sky being replaced by a prussian blue color, thousands upon millions of small glistening stars scattered across the dark blue above. Lanterns lightening the small town, also some of the light came from other houses, the lucidity of the whole place not being too light, but still Illuminating the place enough for anyone to see on their path. It was nice. It really was.

Foolish was watching over Michael at the moment, offering Tubbo a "free night" saying that he could enjoy some time alone, though, deep down the small brunette knew that Foolish was aware of his lack of sleep. Tubbo hated when people took it upon themselves and made sure he was alright, and hated it even more when they tried to cover up. What was even worse, was that 'they' meant Ranboo and Foolish. The two people he wished to not bother at all. He was honestly just glad Tommy knew nothing about whatever was going on with him. He didn't want another person to worry about his dumb feelings he wasn't even capable to show to himself, more less show them to anyone else.

The short ram hybrid let out a sigh as he took another sip of the hot chocolate he made himself a few minutes ago. The wind picked up, brushing strands of brown hair that fell into Tubbo's eyes.

Standing there for a while, the brunette couldn't help but feel...something there was something burning into his back. Tubbo had gotten very good at recognizing when someone stared at him, especially during his presidency when he had constant daggers burnt into his skin whenever he stepped outside. He really didn't want to pay too much attention to it, thinking it could be Ranboo sneaking up behind him to scare hug him, but after a few seconds of waiting, and nothing actually happening, Tubbo had decided to turn around. He expected to see his husband, he really did, but once his eyes locked with another familiar figure, he could feel the mug slip from his hands.

A terribly harsh and loud crashing sound echoed throughout the entire forest, shards of glass flying and detaching from the glassed mug, once it collided with the ground covered in snow. More pieces were made from the bigger ones, millions of tiny shards of glass landed right in front of Schlatt's feet.

Yeah..Jschlatt's feet.

Tubbo stared down, looking at the surprisingly shiny shoes that belonged to no other than the cruel ram that wasn't meant to be amongst the living anymore. But for some reason, he was there, standing right in front of him. His eyes glowing with pure sinister thoughts buried into his small shaky body. It was terrifying..and confusing as well.

"Hello Tubbo. Did you miss me?"

His voice didn't change at all. It wasn't a monotone, emotionless voice like Techno's. It was actually filled with emotion, but not in a good way. It made the boy want to sink into the ground below him.

" how are you.." Tubbo was struggling to form a single sentence, completely terrified of the fact that someone who he was absolutely afraid of, someone who he thought was dead, was currently standing in front of him, breathing, and very much..alive. The taller ram hybrid let out a chuckle as he took a step closer towards the shorter, Tubbo of course taking a step back, but not able to go further, unless he was up for a swim. He wasn't. "Don't back away from me. Aren't you happy to see me?" He asked, his eyes almost seemed to glow red. Tubbo felt cornered, like a pray surrounded by predators who were seconds from tearing him apart. It was fucking terrifying.

"I don't- I don't understand..I..." The brunette stammered, his eyes locked with the taller's. Schlatt carefully put his hand on Tubbo's shoulder, Tubbo of course not knowing what to do, or what exactly was happening. "You haven't changed one bit, have you?" Schlatt asked. "...h-have you..?" Asked the brunette quietly. Schlatt only glared as his grip on the smaller's shoulder tightened, his nails slowly digging into Tubbo's skin, piercing through the thick fabric of his jacket. "That was not an answer, boy." The ram hybrid said his words harshly. The tone itself made the shorter panic even more, knowing very damn well what happens when you make Schlatt angry, and really, it couldn't be a light punishment if the brunette still remembered till this day how it worked during Schlatt's reign. "I..I..I think I h-have.." He tried his best turn reply, tears forming in his eyes, threatening to spill.

Schlatt only scoffed. "Right, but you're still a whimpering little bitch, as I can see..?" The ram hybrid spat his words like poison, slowly and painfully burning back into Tubbo's healing skin. "Remember what we talked about Tubbo? The first day, the day I was elected?" Schlatt semi whispered, looking Tubbo dead in the eyes. "Do you remember what you promised me? No tears, am I right?" He continued, Tubbo beginning to shake, knowing all to well at what Schlatt was getting at. "You know the outcome of showing weakness, don't you Tubbo?" He said, triggering half gone memories of getting punched, slapped and hit, just because he shed a few tears. He hated it. He thought he had escaped it, and for a second believed he started healing, but now, he just felt like everything that had happened in the past was being burned into his skin yet again.

"I..I'm sorry.." Tubbo whispered quietly, just begging and praying that he didn't start crying. Schlatt smirked, his grip tightening on his shoulder for a last time, before he pushed Tubbo down into the snow.

"Great. I have a feeling that we'll be best friends, just like we used to be." The ram hybrid said, the sinister tone not leaving. "I'll come by tomorrow, so don't try any stupid shit, Tubbo. You knew that I'd come back eventually." He finished, before he started walking away. The brunette only laid on the ground, tears finally coming out of his eyes, sobs not that far behind.


⋆·˚ ༘ * 🔭

I really want some c!Tubbo and c!Schlatt lore reunion. Think about the won't do lore and I have nothing to work with. Need some writing material :p

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