Lance dealing with conflicts

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Lance entered the chat

Bugsy entered the chat

Clair entered the chat

Will entered the chat

Will: Why hello Lance to what brings you here that we must discuss about?

Lance: Yesterday's chat

Clair: What happened?

Lance: Well while I was away visiting the Dragon's Den with Clair I got some news about Bruno and Karen getting to a heated arguement

Clair: And here I thought Janine and Falkner's arguement weren't enough to deal with 😒

Falkner entered the chat

Falkner: Hey that was uncalled for!

Bugsy: So Lance what actually happened between Karen and Bruno to go against each other?

Lance: That's what I'd like to find out but APPARENTLY both of them don't want to tell me

Lance: Honestly I think I should go through the list of the rules if any of you decide to get in these stunts again

Will: Hahahaha

Lance: Will it's not funny having to deal with 2 elite four members messing around and you acting so childish

Will: Me childish?! Speak for yourself both you and Clair always walk around wearing capes to make you more "superior" or "cool" why I for one find that more childish.

Brock entered the chat

Brock: Will tell me you did not just say that to the champion

Will: Brock I just did you can read the messages if you want to see what's up

Lance: Why you?!?!

Clair: Take that back or I'll have to head my way to the Indigo Plateau and have my dragon pokemon obliterate you from a existence!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡

Will: Hahaha you think sending angry emojis is gonna scare me?

Falkner: Have you forgotten what happened when she fought against someone who disrespected the Village of Dragons?

Brock: I've never heard of that

Bugsy: Clair encountered a trainer from the Unova region about being a dragon buster and how she will obliterate all dragons

Brock: Then what happened?

Falkner: Let's just say she never came back after Clair unleashed her true power on her when she made a rude comment in front of the most respected person in Blackthorn

Brock: The Elder of Dragons?

Falkner: Yeah

Clair: That nuisance had it coming to her if her ego wasn't so big I wouldn't have sent her pokemon almost on life support

Brock: Yikes! 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬

Bugsy: Never get Clair on her bad side

Lance: Um we are getting side tracked here! Can anyone tell me why both are fighting?

Will: Why not ask the other gym leaders?

Brock: I'll contact Misty to see if she knows

Brock left the chat

Misty entered the chat

Brock entered the chat

Misty: I know what happened between Bruno and Karen

Lance: Explain

Misty: It all started when Surge showed a photo of him eating a lot of junk food at Burger Kingler. It was going fine with us telling Surge what could good for his health but then Bruno got mad at Karen when she told him about him gaining weight. After that Bruno wanted to battle Karen while Karen insulted him one last time until it finally hit his nerves.

Lance: Healthy eating you say?

Misty: Yeah

Lance: I mean I get it that Bruno has been eating those type of foods

Bugsy: You mean junk foods?

Lance: Yeah whatever I need to deal with those two honestly ai find it troubling than hearing from Janine and Falkner's argument. I can only handle that

Falkner: Hey!

Will: Then why let them continue on?

Lance: It's pointless having to handle gym leaders who are still young and have a lot to learn about their own mindset

Falkner: What's that supposed to mean?

Will: He's calling you and some other gym leaders on how your pride gets the better of you

Falkner: ;-;

Bugsy: 😥😥😥😥

Clair: 🙄

Will: This also includes you Clair whenever you lose to a battle to a trainer you send them to the Dragon's Den to prove their skills before you even give them a gym badge

Clair: Just you wait until I get to the Indigo Plateau

Lance: Look I already have had enough trouble that I have to deal with Karen and Bruno so now I have to go and have a word with them have a good day you all

Lance left the chat

Will: Well I have to go too and find a way to avoid Clair adios!

Will left the chat

Clair: Be prepared Will because I will hunt you down

Clair left the chat

Misty: Welp I gotta go bye!

Misty left the chat

Brock: Let's just hope this doesn't start another fight involving Clair and Will

Falkner: Yeah

Bugsy: Agreed

Brock left the chat

Bugsy left the chat

Falkner left the chat

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