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Bella awoke to someone beating the bars on her cell. "Roberts, you're being released into the custody of an Officer Danny Reagan." The guard said. She gave him a confused looked and got up. "Who the hell is this Officer Reagan guy?" She thought to herself. She got up out of the bed in her cell. The guard unlocked her door and walked her down the hall. They entered the main office and walked over to a man. "Isabella Roberts, Danny Reagan." The guard said. He handed Bella a bag of her belongings and walked away. "So you're the guy that's babysitting me." Bella said with her arms crossed. "Pretty much. You're coming back to my house with me." He said walking towards the door. He held it open for her and she followed.

They walked out to his car. When they got in he drove off. "You hungry?" Bella shook her head. "Well you're gonna eat because I'm not letting you starve yourself." He pulled into the Burger King drive-thru. "What do you want and don't say "nothing"?" He said looking at her. "A burger and a sprite." She said rolling her eyes. They got their food and Danny handed Bella her burger. "Eat."

By the time she had finished her burger, they had arrived at Danny's house. They walked in and Danny threw his keys on the counter. He motioned for Bella to follow him. They walked down the stairs and hallway to the last room on the right. "This one's yours. It used to be my son's so it's a little plain. My sister's coming over tomorrow to take you shopping for some clothes and decorations if you'd like." He said rubbing the back of his neck and looking down. "Sounds good." She said throwing her stuff on the plain bed. "I'm gonna head upstairs if you need me." Danny said walking back up the stairs.

She hadn't gotten much sleep, thanks to her uncomfortable cell bed. She decided to turn on the T.V. and take a nap. She had been sleeping for about thirty minutes when she woke up to footsteps coming down the stairs. "You good with Chinese food for dinner?" Bella nodded. Danny walked over and sat on the bed. "Look, I know you're in a new place with new people and everything, but I want you to be comfortable. I feel like you're scared of me or something. I'm sorry I arrested you, but I was just doing my job." He said with his head down. "I understand. I knew what I was doing was wrong. I just didn't have any other way to make money." She said feeling guilty. "Yeah, I get it." He said getting off the bed. He left the room and as he was closing the door she spoke up again. "Do you know where my phone is? I mean is it still being held as evidence or what?" He walked back into her room. "I think they've still got it at the precinct, but I'll see if my partner can bring it by later." "Yeah, that'll be good. Thank you." Danny nodded in response.

He went upstairs and, after he finished ordering their dinner, he called Baez. The phone rang a few times before she picked up. "Hey Danny. What's up?" She said holding the phone with her ear and a stack of files in her hand. "You still at the precinct?" He said into the phone. "Yeah. You need something?" "Would you mind bringing Bella's phone from the evidence locker? I ordered Chinese take-out if you wanna eat dinner with us too." He offered. "Yeah. I should be there in about 15." She said placing the pile of paperwork on her desk. "Thanks Baez." "No problem." She said hanging up the phone. She picked up Bella's phone and was on her way to Danny's house.

Danny had just called Bella to come upstairs and eat, when they heard the doorbell ring. Danny opened the door. "Hey Beaz." He said hugging her. "Bella, this is my partner, Maria Baez." Bella smiled at Maria. This was the first time Danny had ever seen her smile. "Nice to meet you." Maria said. "You too." Replied Bella. "Alright, let's eat." Danny said loudly clasping his hands together. They all grabbed the food they wanted and sat down. After a long period of silence, Maria spoke up. "So Isabella, when are you starting school?" She said. "I actually don't know yet. Oh and you can call me Bella, by the way." She said smiling. Danny was happy to hear her open up. He could tell she liked Maria. "She's starting next Monday." He chimed in. "Oh okay. I think you'll really like the school. It's pretty nice. Do you play any sports?" Maria said in an effort to keep the conversation flowing. "Actually, yeah. I used to play volleyball, but haven't since my parents kicked me out." She said lowering her head.

Maria instantly felt bad. "Oh I'm sorry." She lowered her head too. "It's fine. You couldn't have known." Bella reassured her. Danny decided to change the subject. "Maria, did you bring Bella's phone?" He broke the silence. "Oh yeah. It's in my coat pocket if you wanna go get it." Bella smiled and hurriedly walked over to the coat hanger by the front door. She quickly found her phone and turned it on. She had countless notifications. She decided to be polite and wait until after dinner to respond to any of them. She sat back down and continued eating.

They chatted through the rest of their meal. When they were finished, Bella asked to be excused and went to her room. After she left, Danny and Maria went into the living room. "Oh dear God, that was so awkward." Danny said when they sat down on the couch. "It was fine Danny. You're over thinking it." She said as he put his arm around her. "You're probably right." He said sighing. "I'm probably right?" She said accusingly. "Fine. You're right." He said laughing.

They had been talking and laughing for about an hour, when Bella walked up the stairs to tell Danny she was going to take a shower. When she got to the top of the stairs, she heard Danny and Maria giggling. The sounded like a happily married couple. Bella stopped for a minute to listen. She heard Danny talking. "Do you think she's happy here because I feel like she's uncomfortable?" He said with a sigh. "She's probably uncomfortable because she went from living on the streets, to a jail cell, to a random cop's house. Not to mention, you're the cop that put her in that jail cell." She said trying to relax him. "Yeah, I guess." He said as she snuggled closer into him. Bella walked into the living room. "Hey, I'm going to shower and then probably go to bed." She said interrupting their conversation. "What time is it?" He said realizing how late it was. "11:30." She replied. "Jesus. We talked for three hours." Maria laughed. "Oh, well goodnight then." Danny said while laughing. "Goodnight, Bella." Maria said, as well. "Goodnight guys." She said walking back downstairs.

Maria didn't want to go home, but she knew she had to. "I guess I'll head home." She said standing up. "It's not safe out there. Why don't you stay here? Sean just moved out so you can stay in his old room." Truth be told, he didn't want her to leave either. "I don't want to impose, Danny." She argued. "Please stay. You can help me out on my first full day with a teenage girl in the house." He pleaded while laughing. "Fine." She gave in, or at least that's what he thought. "Thank you." He said hugging her. Their hug lingered for a few minutes. After a while, they let go. "Come on, we'll get you some pillows and blankets." He said, pulling her by her hand. They got some pillows off of his bed and some blankets out of the linen closet. They went into her room and turned down the bed. "Do you want some of my clothes to sleep in?" He offered. "Yeah, that'd be great." She followed him into his room. He grabbed an NYPD t-shirt and some red plaid pajama pants out of his dresser and handed them to her. He walked with her back to the guest room. "I'll leave you to get changed. Goodnight." He said squeezing her hand. "Goodnight, Danny." She said smiling and squeezing his hand in return. He walked back to his room. She went into the bathroom and changed clothes. Danny's clothes were very big on her, but the pants had a drawstring. She tied them as tight as she could and left the bathroom. She layed down in her bed and tried to sleep. She tried for hours and wasn't able to relax enough to fall asleep.

Around three in the morning, she heard Bella walk past her door and into the kitchen. She got up and went into the kitchen. "Can you not sleep either?" Bella jumped at the sound of Maria's voice. "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." She apologized. "No, it's fine. I just came to get a glass of water." Bella replied. "Yeah, me too." She smiled. "I don't mean to be nosey, but are you and Danny together. I just heard you talking earlier and thought there's no way you weren't more than friends." She said. "No we aren't, but is it that obvious that I have feelings for him?" Maria said, not realizing what she had admitted. "Painfully." Bella said. They both laughed. "Please don't say anything to Danny about this." Maria said worriedly. "Oh you don't have to worry about that. It'll stay between us." Bella smiled. "Thank you so much." She returned the smile. "Well, I'm gonna go back to bed. You should try to get some sleep too." Maria suggested. "Yeah I will." She said beginning to walk towards the stairs.

Maria went back to bed. After about thirty minutes, she was able to fall asleep. Bella fell asleep soon after and they both slept through the rest of the night.

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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Haunted: A Blue Bloods Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें