Season 1 Episode 3

Start from the beginning

Officer #3: Oh.

Drago: And had I not defended myself, I would have been dead and Bede would have killed Lillie!

Officer #2: Well, I always knew Bede was an asshole. This proves it.

Drago: Can you revoke his Gym Challenger status?

Officer #1: Sadly, we can't. It's up to the chairman.

Drago: Damn.

Lillie: *whispers* Language!

Officer #2: But we will tell the Chairman about this.

Drago: Yeah Boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lillie: Thank you so much!

Officer #1: No worries. Come on, lads! We have an assailant to arrest. *They leave to arrest Bede*

Drago: Alright, lets go to the gym.

Milo: I'll see you there, if you can pass my challenge.

Drago: Challenge?

Milo: You'll see. *chuckles*

At the gym the gym challengers were presented with their task, chasing the unruly wooloo.

Drago: Oh, Great. Chasing moody sheep. My "favorite" pastime!

Lillie: You can do it! Good luck!

Drago: Thanks. I really need that for the moody sheep. *whispers* Not!

Drago was able to finish the challenge with no problem at all.

Drago: Well, that was easier than I thought! Alright, time for the gym battle.

Out on the pitch, Drago and Milo greeted each other.

Milo: Congratulations. A lot of challengers pass through this gym, so I tried to make it challenging. But it seems you passed with flying colors, Drago. Great Job.

Drago: Thanks, and I'm gonna get that badge!

Milo: This battle will be a doozy! I'm gonna have to dynamax my Pokemon if I'm gonna win.

Drago: And so will I!

Refferee: Alright, battle begin!

Milo: Alright, Go Grookey!

Drago: Alright, Go Raboot!

Both Pokemon appear on both sides of the battlefield.

Drago: Rabbot, use Flame Charge!

Rabbot used Flame Charge and knocks out Grookey with a super effective critical hit that increases its speed.

Milo: Woohoo! We're not going down that easily! We're as tough as weeds!
*sends out Eldergoss*

Drago: Bring it on!

Milo: Come on, then! It's Dynamax Time! You're about to be uprooted!

Milo and Drago both dynamax their Pokémon. Both Pokémon increased their size and form exponentially and looked like animal versions of Megazords.

Lillie: Wow! I can't believe it! They're gigantic!!!!!!!

Drago: Raboot, Max Flare, Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Raboot uses Max Flare and it does a huge amount of damage, but Eldergross survives. Max flare causes the weather to be sunny.

Milo: Eldergross, Max Strike, Now!!

Eldergross uses Max Strike and the move lowers Raboots speed.

Drago: I'm not done! Raboot, Max Flare!

Raboot uses Max Flare and the move has increased power due to the sunny weather.

Refferee: Eldergross is unable to battle! The winner is Drago!

Milo: What an incredible gym challenger! All of my weeds have been uprooted!

Drago: Yeah! THE win is mine!

Lillie: Yes! That's my Champion!


Milo and Drago shake hands and Milo gets the Grass badge.

Milo: Congratulations. The Grass badge is yours. It is one of 8 badges you need to complete teh Gym challenge.

Drago: Alright.

Milo: By the way, The Hilbury Gym leader is my rival.

Drago: Who? What's the gym leaders name?

Milo: You'll find out.

Drago: *sighs* Oh, boy.

Drago changes out of his uniform and meets Lillie in the lobby.

Lillie: My Champion! Congratulations! I knew you can do it!

Drago: Thanks. It was rough.

Lillie*hugs Drago and wraps her arms around Dragos left arm* Let's go to the hotel and rest up.

Drago: Alright, lets go.

As the couple walked into the hotel they saw a familiar face

Drago: Marnie?!?!?!?!!? What are you doing here?

Marnie: Oh. It's you again. I'm sorry for everything.

Drago: Sorry? For what? You haven't done anything.

Marnie: *sighs* I was rude when we first met. I never meant any of it.

Drago: I guess, I can forgive you. By the way, you wanna travel with us?

Marnie: I don't know. You got a band?

Drago: Yeah. The Bolt Shockers!

Marnie: Rockin! Count me in!

Drago: *mumbles* It's better than Team Yell's band.

Marnie: All too true.

Lillie: I hate their single, We're Team Yell. *starts singing the song*


Lillie: Ok, Geez.

Drago: Let's forget the song ever existed!

Everyone: Yeah. We hate it.

Drago: Let's get to bed. Hey Marnie, you wanna room with us? We have three beds.

Marnie: Well......

Drago: Your choice.

Marnie: I'll do it.

Drago: Alright! A new member to the team. #trio

Lillie: I love it.

Drago: I knew you would like it, my love. *pecks Lillie*

Marnie starts chuckling as Lillie blushes a deep shade of red.

Marnie: *thinks* (She's in love. I know it!)

Well, that was very unexpected. At least everything worked out. and Dang, the team has a new member. Yehaw, bioz!

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