The truth comes out

Start from the beginning

Dixie; were in the kitchen eating if you want to join

Noah; ye I will be there I just need to wake up in not really a morning person

Dixie; I will keep that in mind for the future then

I walked out with Madi in my arms still half asleep but I bounce her so she doesn't fall asleep I make it to the kitchen and set her down on her seat and placed to bowls on the table and put a plate in front of her and she just helped herself I grabbed a slice of bacon and some fruit then Noah came in

Dixie: good morning

Madi: morning!!

Noah; good morning

He walked around the table and gave Madi a hug He put her down back on her chair were she carried on eating he came over to me and hugged me and gave me a peck on the cheek

Noah; good morning Beautiful

I felt my cheeks turn red and I looked down silently I mean I'm not one to take a compliment
He sat next to me and grabbed a full plate of food I mean I don't blame him but I once again only eat one piece of bacon and some fruit he did look at me suspiciously but he didn't question why which I'm glad about

Dixie; so Madi we are going home tomorrow morning around 5 ok so tonight I need you in bed early so you can get a good night sleep ok

Madi; but I want to stay with Noah

Noah; you know I think it's a good Idea that you go home because all of your stuff like your toys and all that are at home and being here is a bit boring and you haven't really explored your home

Madi; are you coming

Noah; afraid not you two need some mummy and daughter time

Madi; ok but I will miss you

Noah; well we have a whole day untill you go home

Dixie; well I need to pack some things so I don't forget anything and I need to ask Charli if she is staying or going

Noah; well if you want I could take Madi to the sway house and you can prepare for tomorrow morning if you want I will drive you the airport aswell

Dixie; ok thats fine thanks so much literally for everything I appreciate it so much

Madi; mummy I'm finished

Dixie; ok just leave the plate there for a second I will clean it

Noah; no it's ok I will clean you made breakfast so it saves some time can you get Madi ready for today

Dixie; yeah sure I will

I picked Madi up and took her to the bath room and bathed her with some strawberry lotion and washed her hair with coconut shampoo and conditioner I let her play for a bit with some ducks and Princess bath toys once the water started to get cold I wrapped her in a clean white fluffy towel as I didn't bring her Princess towel with me

I took her to my room as her clothes are in my room I looked at the weather forecast and It said it was going to be really hot today so I put her in a yellow summer dress that had some red flowers on it the dress had a cardigan that was yellow I put that on her I put her hair in two pig tails then put a white bow on them then I put some white sandals on her she really looked pretty

I'm happy that she is spending the day with Noah and I can't wait to her how her day was

Madi; thank you mummy for everything I love you

She hugged me and gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek but what she just said made my eyes water I mean you never expect a 5 year old to go through what she has and still act all happy and grateful she always has a smile on her face and when you look at her you instantly smile and I love her for that

Dixie; you don't need to thank me I'm happy two and I have the best daughter in the world so thank you

I could hear steps coming towards my room I knew it was going to be Noah once he came to the door he knocked twice on the door a quickly started to compose my self and white my tears away

Dixie; come in

The door opened and there was Noah standing there he came in

Noah; where is my Princess

Madi; I'm here silly

I chuckled I don't want to rush this relationship but if me and Noah become a thing I would be so happy and I know he would treat my daughter like it was his own

Dixie; I will put a swimming suit and towel because you might go in the pool I don't know but just being prepared

Noah picked Madi up and threw her in the air and caught her she was laughing loudly and her laugh was so contagious that we all started laughing

Noah; are you ready for and exciting day

Madi; yes I'm ready will everyone be ther even the doggy

Noah; yes the boys will probably be in the yard or playing video games I'm not sure but when you come we will have more fun

Madi; yay I can't wait to see the doggy

I packed the bag and passed him it

Dixie; we need to put a car seat in your car for her

Noah; umm well I have one in the trunk of the car when I went home yesterday I actually didn't got home I bought a car seat and toys so she isn't bored when she comes over it's quite weird to have pink thing's in the sway house I got a doll house and some Barbie's got her a doll's pram and babys with some accessories and some teddies it's in the lounge so now the boys don't do tik toks in the lounge that's a rule so people don't question why

Dixie; you didn't have to do that and I feel bad because I should have done that

Noah; oh don't worry it saves time and honestly I don't Mind getting my princess a few toys

Dixie; thank you I think I'm falling for you even more

Noah; well that's a good thing

We walked to the door and Noah put Madi in the car and he was right he did have a care seat in but I didn't notice it last night but honestly it doesn't and I still love him for that when he buckled Madi in he shut the door and walked up to me and kissed me on my cheek and walked to his side of the car and put his window Down

Noah; we will be back by 6 and I will make sure she is asleep

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