Chapter 29: Fabulous in Heaven

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Michael's POV- in the hotel room

"Do you need anything? Like some tea or something..." I asked Zoe.
"No, thanks." She said quietly. We were sitting on the couch attempting to discuss our situation, but it's not an easy conversation to begin.

I feel beyond horrible for how I've been treating her lately. Seeing her in the hospital forced me to remember how much I love her. The whole time she was unconscious I felt like a dead man walking. We even had to reschedule the show because I couldn't go on until I knew she was okay.

"I'm so sorry I forgot our anniversary. And about taking Monica to the aquarium. I swear to God I didn't do it to hurt you. You know how important that day is to me. To us."

She looked me in the eyes but didn't say anything. I could tell that my apology wasn't enough to repair all of the damages in our relationship.

"Do you still love me?" She asked randomly.

I wrinkled my eyebrows. "Of course I do, baby. I told you before that I couldn't go a day without loving you." I responded, grabbing her hand. "I know I've treated you so terribly and I apologize from the bottom of my heart. If my mother ever heard some of the things I said to you she would be so disappointed. She didn't raise me that way."

She pulled her hand away from mine and cleared her throat. "It was just so unlike you, Michael. Where did all of that come from?" She asked, her voice catching on the last word and a tear escaping her eye.

"I don't know. Well I... I mean-... I don't know." I stammered. "I guess I just wanted you to feel the same pain I felt, but I definitley went overboard with it."

"People do crazy things when their hurt by someone they love."

"I guess so..."

"Are you sleeping with Monica?" She blurted.

My eyes widened. "Wh-what? No! I would never... Zoe, I couldn't imagine doing that to you..."

"I know, I'm sorry for asking. It's just... you started spending so much time with her. And you've been coming in late..." She began.

"I was just trying to avoid the problem. But now I've realized that I was wrong to do that. Remember what I told you when you overheard my conversation with Frank? Back at Hayvenherst?"

She nodded. "People in relationships don't run away from their problems. They confront them and work them out."

"That's right. I went against my own words and I'm sorry."

"No, Michael, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for taking the birth control behind your back and lying to you about wanting to have kids. And for saying that it wasn't your choice because it's my body. I didn't mean that."

"I should have been more understanding. I wasn't mad that you don't want a baby right now, I was just mad that you weren't honest about it.... You don't have to lie to me...."

Her eyes met mine and for the first time in over two months I saw her as the woman that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

"I forgive you..." I whispered.

She shook her head repeatedly and scooted away from me. "Don't forgive me too soon, Michael."

"What do you mean?" I asked. She began to cry. "Zoe what's wrong? I don't understand." I reached for her but she pulled away.

"I have to tell you the real reason I'm not ready to have a baby." She said, wiping her tears. "And you're probably going to hate me."

"I could never hate you. Please tell me what's wrong."

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