--Chapter Three--

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My mom and I are eating dinner, and I shove pasta in my mouth, taking a sip of water. "Are you excited for school tomorrow?" She asks. I shrug, taking another bite of pasta. "Yeah I guess so. It's just a new school, not much can happen."

"Ok, well, if you say so."

I get ready for bed, happy to finally sleep in an actual bed and not the floor. A pair of matching pajamas with blue butterflies on them. Nice.

I cuddle myself underneath the covers, and then quickly toss over to look at the moon. It's exceptionally bright tonight. I shut my eyes and drift off to sleep.

The next morning, I wake up and put on a nice pair of jeans, a blue shirt with a red mushroom on it, and a white bandana in my hair. I brush my teeth in the dusty old sink in the hallway, and find my black converse in a bin. I grab a granola bar off the counter and tell my mom goodbye, who's still in her bathrobe.

I lock the door behind me, and turn around to see another girl in the hall. "Oh! Hey! I was hoping you'd be up. Are you going to Brandy Mill High as well?" I gave her a sharp nod. The stalker goes to my school? Yaaayyyy.

"Don't tell me you're a senior?" I ask, pushing her out of the way. "Yeah, I'm guessing you are as well?" She smirks. God that stupid smirk. I walk down the stairs and out the door, Clara following right behind me. "Your shirt is nice by the way." I glance at her outfit as well, which is jeans, a green hoodie, and a black jean jacket with smiley face pins on it.

"Yeah yours is good too I guess." She wheezes at the comment like a tomboy teakettle, and I stare at her. "What is so funny?" I ask, to which I get another laugh. "Oh nothing." She shrugs. She continues to smile, coming right up next to me.

"Do you want me to show you the way to Brandy Mill?"

I want to say no, but she's my only hope for getting to school on time. "Yeah, I guess."

"Alright then! Brandy Mill right this way." I rolled my eyes and reluctantly follow.

At school, I notice people's eyes on me. I feel like peoples eyes are burning into my skull. I continue walking until I find my locker, opening it up and unloading my books into it. "What classes do you have?" I pull out my schedule. "Math 1st period, English 2nd, then Chorus, then Science." Clara thought for a moment. "Do you have Mr. Phil for Science?"

"I have Mr. Watson."

"Yeah that's Phil. We just call him Phil cause he's cool with it."

"Oh." I say, putting my schedule in my bag.

"Clara! Hey! Is this the girl you we-" The girl who was talking gets a swift push from Claras elbow. "Ow, sorry, jeez."

"Hi! I'm Georgia! You must be a friend of Claras." I say, to which the brunette with a black nike headband nods, holding out her hand. "Yeah, I'm Nikki! Surprised you're hanging out with Clara."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I say, shaking the outstretched hand. Nikki laughs. "Clara isn't the nicest person."

"Knock it off, Nikki, I'm just showing her around. Like her little chaperone." Clara states, leaning against the locker.

"I don't need chaperoning!" I say. Clara smiles. "Yeah, but I'm still gonna help you." I roll my eyes. "Fine, whatever. Can you show me to room 204?" Clara nods, and waves Nikki goodbye.

"Here's room 204, I don't have any of your classes except science, so I guess I'll see you there." I give a small nod and head into the classroom by myself.

The day goes by quickly. Math, english, and chorus are my good subjects, so I know I'll enjoy even days. Suddenly it's science, my least favorite subject.

I walk into class, noticing immediately Clara, who is sitting in the back next to a kid with brown hair, glasses, and a red hoodie. "You must be, Georgia?" I glance over to the man in a green shirt and striped tie standing by a desk, his blonde hair pushed to the side. "I'm Mr. Watson, but you can call me Phil. I'll be your science teacher for the year. You can go sit next to Darla, over there." He points to the kid in red, and I take the seat.

"Hi! I'm Darla, nice to meet you! You must be Georgia! Clara was telling me about you just now." I nod along, and place my books on the table. "Right, Georgia this is Darla. We call her bad for no reason other than we like to mess with her." Clara smiles. I give another nod, and wait for class to start.

"Mr. Phil seems nice." I say on the way home, Clara right up next to me. "Yeah, he's pretty cool. He has a son who goes to the middle school down the road. Do you have any siblings?" I shake my head. "No, not really. It's hard to explain."

"Isn't it a yes or no question?" Clara asks. I kick an acorn out of my path. "My dad and mom got a divorce a couple years back. My dad took my brother. It's just my mom and I now." I say.

"Oh, I'm sorry. If it makes you feel any better my parents are dead."

"Ah. That is kinda worse, I'm sorry."

"Nah, it's ok. My sister and I were adopted by this nice lady when we were kids, so, I don't mind their deadness."

I can't help but laugh. "Alright then."

"Hey, I'm gonna meet Nikki at the park. Do you wanna come?"

"No thanks, my mom doesn't like me going places without her permission."

"That's fine! I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow." 


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New Chapters comings soon!!

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