Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

 The woman has sought revenge; the moment of her life is coming alive! She speeds through traffic everywhere she goes, in the biggest form of determination, solely for revenge. Quickly arriving at an airport, she shuts the car off and notices Shadow waiting for her while she gets out of the car. She prepares to talk to him, but something crosses her mind, and she grabs Shadow and pulls him into the car, slamming the door as some people look at the car with confusion.

 “What are you doing!? You can’t be seen! People will think you’re a monster or something!” Sophia quietly shouts, as Shadow shakes his head in annoyance, picking himself up onto the seat properly.

 “I really don’t care. Why should I care about that anyway?” Shadow asks, mixed with confusion and annoyance as Sophia quickly comes up with a way to get Shadow into the airport. Sophia quickly pulls open the glove box next to the passenger seat, scrambling through everything until she finds a weird silver-colored device. It had a green LED in it that was off, and a black button on the side. Sophia takes off all the ammunition belts on her and puts them next to all the combat weapons in the back seat, taking the green LED object and aiming it at the stuff. She pushes the green button on the side, as a green light emits from the LED, engulfing the weapons in a green aura. She moves the device around and the light covers all the weapons, letting go of the black button afterwards as everything shrinks into a white duffle bag.

“Well, we can get too much attention and get arrested, angering me, or we can go through without any problems.” Sophia says, trying to get her point across as Shadow crosses his arms in annoyance.

 “They wouldn’t stand a chance against me, but we’ll do this your way for now.” Shadow says impatiently, watching Sophia grab the duffle bag and set it next to her on the driver’s seat. She puts her hands on Shadow’s shoulders, which Shadow doesn’t seem to mind because of her striking resemblance to Maria.

 “Ok, I’m gonna need you to act a doll for me. This way, they’ll only think of you as a toy and not some alienated lifeform.” Sophia explains, as Shadow turns his head away and closes his eyes, surprising Sophia for a moment.

 “That’s pathetic.” Shadow says, initially refusing as Sophia starts to complain, before being interrupted. “But I’ll do it.” Shadow says, agreeing to do it as Sophia grabs him and jumps out of the car. Shadow starts to act like a doll, keeping his eyes straightforward and lifeless looking. Sophia elegantly shuts the door to her Celica, and heads towards the airport area for Frontier. Shadow’s legs move around everywhere as Sophia had some trouble carrying the bag, not realizing Shadow’s weight having a large impact.

 “I’m almost there!” Sophia says impatiently, speeding up her walk as she tries to get to the ticking station to buy her tickets. Buying her tickets was easy, picking up her duffle bag afterwards with Shadow lying on it still, and heading for her terminal. “Ok, ok, terminal C. Terminal C, where is that?” Sophia thinks to herself, as she runs around looking for it. She eventually finds it, and runs over to the line onto the terminal. Surprisingly, the terminal gets full and goes to drop those people off. Now there was only Sophia and another girl in a white business suit, standing right in front of her. She had long, vibrant brown hair that reflected in the sunlight that was peering through the windows in the building. She also wore a white business hat that masked her face from sight. She kept repeatedly tapping her foot against the ground, impatiently waiting for the terminal to arrive. Sophia watched her in boredom as Shadow still lies on the duffle bag, acting like a lifeless doll.

 “What a piece of crap! How much more time will I be wasting!” The woman angrily says, shaking her head in annoyance as her hair flies in front of Sophia’s face, surprising her as she rubs her face in discomfort. Something about her voice surprised Sophia though, and she pondered about it until the terminal came back to pick them both up. They surprisingly were still the only ones getting onto the terminal, so Sophia was relieved that she wasn’t going to be in a huge crowd. She sets the duffle bag down onto the seat next to her, as she silently talks to Shadow. This is because the woman is sitting on the seat across from her, and so she didn’t want her to notice that Shadow isn’t a doll.

 “I know this sucks, but we’re almost onto the airport. I bought us a private seat so that you wouldn’t be noticed.” Sophia says relieved, as Shadow blinks in relief while silently responding back.

 “Good. Thanks for that.” Shadow says calmly, as Sophia smiles in response.

 “Hello, Sophia Carroll.” A devious and sinister voice says, as Sophia turns to realize it was the woman. “It’s been a long time since we met.” The woman says sinisterly, as she gets up and throws away the hat that was covering her face. What was revealed was a woman, smirking in resentment as her envious, green eyes pierced Sophia like a bullet going through her own stomach.

“Ellen Neid!” Sophia shouts in shock, as the woman starts spilling information that Sophia thought she would’ve never knew.

 “I’m going to kill you for what you’ve done to me!!” Ellen screams angrily, slamming the floor of the terminal with her foot, before changing her voice to a more sadistic tone. “Once I’m done with you, I’m gonna kill this little thing too. I’m not freaking stupid! I know that thing’s a mobian hedgehog from Mobius!” Ellen screams angrily, pulling out a pocket knife and throwing it at Sophia, who dodges it with ease while sitting there, jaw dropped.

 “What the hell?! What is that?!” Sophia screams in shock, eventually being forced to jump off her seat as Ellen pulls out a black pistol, trying to gun her down in anger.

“Shut your mouth! I’m not saying anything!” Ellen screams, while continuously trying to gun her down in anger. Sophia runs around and dodges the bullets, sliding down on the ground towards Sophia and kicking her in her chin, causing her to trip backwards and slam into a wall. Shadow, who heard the conversation all along, gets up and watches the fight from behind, being shocked at how Sophia isn’t bothered by bloody situations. Sophia runs up to Ellen, but she kicks her and Sophia flies back into a metal pole, causing her serious pain as she punches Ellen in the face before she does the same to her. “Stupid woman!” Ellen says angrily, kicking Sophia as she stumbles backwards and falls onto her back painfully. Ellen quickly grabs the pistol on the ground and tries shooting Shadow with it. Shadow, however, dodges it with ease, as he instantly comes up to Ellen and tries kicking her in the face. Ellen only gets slightly kicked though because she knocks his foot down with her elbow, as Shadow flips and tries kicking her in her chin like Sophia did. Ellen then kicks Shadow in the stomach and sends him flying into the glass window, as her kick was strong enough to hurl him into the window without him being able to save himself.

 “Damn! She’s stronger than I expected.” Shadow says irritated, as Sophia gets up and karate-chops Ellen in the neck, causing her to painfully spin around and try to punch Sophia in the face. Sophia, however, punches her in her temples, knocking her out as she falls to the ground like a dead person. Sophia, now with a bloody nose and a bunch of bruises on herself, walks over to Shadow as he holds her up caringly. “Are you alright?” Shadow asks kindly, which surprises Sophia, who brushes off her clothes.

 “I used to be an assassin before. This isn’t anything.” Sophia says confidently, as Shadow puts a hand on his hip.

 ‘Who was she?” Shadow asks, as Sophia looks back at Ellen in response to make sure she didn’t try to go after them again.

 “It’s a long story, but let’s just say that she once tried to assassinate me, and now we hate each other.” Sophia explains, as Shadow turns to realize that the terminal has arrived at its destination.

 “Gotta be a doll again.” Sophia says carelessly, as Shadow lets out a sigh of disappointment.

 “Alright, fine.” Shadow says irritated again, getting on the duffle bag and acting like a doll as Sophia walks out into the waiting area. A man that helps out people exiting the terminal stares at Sophia, paralyzed in fear as she walks out and smiles in his direction.

 “I tripped and hit the pole of the terminal, then fell and hit my face on the seat and rolled everywhere. It was horrible, but I’m alright.” Sophia says persuasively, as she walks out like it was nothing. The man still stands there in shock, as he faints and falls into the terminal by accident, as it leaves with the fainted man and a loud scream can be heard from inside.

 “STUPID WOMAN!!! I WILL FIND YOU AND YOU WILL DIE!!!” Ellen screams rage fully, as Sophia just shakes her head while smiling confidently.

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