Chapter 2: Apple Turnover

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Emma's POV:

Iv'e been here for about a month now and iv'e been considering leaving. I haven't talked to Oliver in ages he doesn't even know that i'm sheriff and the constant battle with Regina has been tiring. I need to leave for Henry i have to keep him in mind. I went to Regina's house to tell her i was leaving and she gave me an Apple Turnover and bid me goodbye surprisingly she wasn't that being rude a bit suspicious but i ignored my instincts and got ready to leave.

I heard a knock at the door and ran to answer it seeing it was Henry. "Hey Emma everything okay? You sounded strange over the walkie." He said. "Oh, um I'm okay just." I sighed. "I can't stay." I said. I watched Henry's face drop "What?" I frowned "I have to go." He shook his head "Go? You mean Leave Storybrooke?" I nodded "Yeah, i spoke to Regina we made a deal i'm still going to see you just not everyday." I said. "No, you can't trust her." Henry said getting more and more upset. I put my hands on his upper arms to calm him "I have to it's my only choice. It's whats best for you Henry. Every time i fight her someone else get's hurt!" I exclaimed. "No! No! No! You're just scared it happens to all heroes It's just the low moment before you fight back." He insisted.

"Henry!" I exclaimed dropping to my knees crying still holding his arms I looked up at him "This isn't a story. It's reality and things have to change. You can't skip school you can't run away and you can't believe in curses." I said. Henry blinked a few times. "You really don't believe?" He asked. I hesitated and blinked a few times "I." I paused and took in a breath "This is how it has to be right now. I made a deal and i used my superpower she's telling the truth she's going to take really good care of you." I said. "Yes but she wants you dead." He said. I sobbed "Come on Henry!" I insisted. "Your the only one that can stop her!" He said. I shook my head and stood up crossing my arms "Stop her from what?" I began "All she's ever done is fight for you it just got out of hand i'm sorry." Henry looked at me with sad eyes and then the few inches in between us and hugged me.

I stumbled back and then put my arms around him. Then i heard him say "Where did you get that?" I turned around to see the apple turnover on a plate "Regina gave it to me." I said following him to it. "Apple!" he exclaimed. "So?" I asked not seeing the problem. "You can't eat that it's poison!" it's he said. "What?" I asked exasperated. "Don;t you see? The deal it's all a trick to get you to eat that! To get rid of the savior!" He tried to explain. "Come on why would she do that when i just told her i was gonna go?" I asked. "Because as long as your alive your a threat to the curse!" He said getting loud. "Henry, you've gotta stop thinking like this." I said calmly. "But it's the truth and you leaving isn't gonna change that!" He shouted. "I'll prove it to you." I said grabbing the Apple Turnover. "No!" He said taking it from me and running a few inches away from me. "Henry what are you doing?" I asked. "I'm sorry it had to come to this. You may not believe in the curse or in me but i believe in you!" He said taking a bite out of the Apple Turnover. He chewed and nothing happened "See? Now would you like some ice cream with that and we can go back to talking about-" I was cut off when he fell to the floor with a thud. "Henry?" I asked. No answer "Henry?" I tried again more frantically. No answer again "HENRY?!?" I shouted running over.

Not long after i'm running beside a gurney with Henry in it. "Henry can you hear me?!?" I asked shaking him "Henry come on wake up! Please?!?" i begged still shaking him. When we entered the room Dr.Whale asked a few questions and i showed him the Apple Turnover "He ate this i think it's poison." I said giving him the bag. The doctor explained to me why it couldn't be that and when i asked him what else it could be he told me he didn't know. "Is there anything else you remember anything at all?" He asked. "I already told you everything now do something!" I yelled. He began to talk but i wasn't listening i took Henry's bag and poured it on a nearby table. "Right now there is no exclamation it's like..." He trailed off and i looked at the Henry's story book. "Like magic." I said.

I picked up the book and suddenly images from when i was a baby fled my mind. Mary Margret giving me to David. David running through a castle and sword fighting with knights and putting me in a wardrobe. "Find us." He whispered. I came back to reality and took in a few breaths anger growing inside of me and taking over my bones. I heard Regina rush in "Wheres my son?" She asked in a worried tone. "You did this." I said flipping around. I grabbed her arm and brought her to a nearby closet throwing her in and against a shelf growling. "YOU DID THIS!" I roared grabbing the front of her arms and pushing her against a wall. "What the hell are you doing stop that's my son!!!" She cried out. "SICK BECAUSE OF YOU THAT APPLE TURNOVER YOU GAVE ME HE ATE IT!!!" I roared again. "What?" She whispered. "It was meant for you!" She yelled. "It's true isn't it?" I whispered. "What are you talking about?" She asked "IT'S TRUE ISN'T IT?!?" I yelled. She frowned and set her head back "Yes." She said. "I was leaving town why couldn't you just leave things alone?" I asked exasperated. "Because as long as your alive Henry will never be mine." She said. "He'll never be anyone's unless you fix this you wake him up!" I shouted. "I can't!" She cried. "Don't you have magic?" I asked. "That was the last of it." She responded pausing "It was supposed to put you to sleep!" She yelled. I let my arms go limp and she pushed me off. "What's it gonna do to him?" I asked. She shook her head "I don't know. Magic here is unpredictable." She said. "So." I paused and looked up "So he could?" I paused "Yes." She said. "So what do we do?" I asked. "We need help. There's one other person who knows about this about magic." She said. "Mr.Gold?" I asked. "Actually he goes by Rumpelstiltskin." She said.

A few hours later i had fought a dragon to get this egg thing for Mr.Gold and i had found out he double crossed us and he had it. I was standing with Regina above where i had killed the dragon when my phone went off. It was the hospital. We rushed down there and Dr.Whale walked out with a nun. "We did everything could." He said. "I'm sorry your to late." The nun said. I took in a breath and walked into the room where they were unhooking everything from him. "No." Regina cried and turned to Whale who hugged her. I kept walking to Henry's bed. I leaned over and whispered "I love you Henry." Then i kissed his forehead and felt a rush of thick air hit me. Henry then gasped in bed and sat up.

I gasped and smiled through my tears. "I love you too." He said. "You saved me." He said. I smiled and then heard Regina say from behind me "You did it." I turned around and looked at her surprised. "That was true loves kiss!" The nun, or Blue i guess, said. I looked at her and everyone else in the room confused. "The curse," Henry said, "I think you broke it!" He exclaimed.

"No. No!" Regina shouts. Blue turned to her "If i were you your majesty i would find a place to hide." She said. Regina walked quickly over to Henry "Henry, no matter what you think no matter what anyone tells you i do love you." She said and then she backed up and went out the door.

Authors Note: Yeah i'm already posting chapter two. Let me tell you a secret. I have been writing this for a few says now and i even have part of chapter three done. I had been debating on publishing this or not for a while because it was such a funky idea i wasn't sure if people would like it. In the end i decided i would try it out and if people didn't like it oh well at least i'm having fun writing it! I love you guys!

"I would rather be a little nobody, then to be a evil somebody." ~Abraham Lincoln

Emma Smoak (Arrow and OUAT Crossover)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें