"Yes, because I'm so busy." You sit back as he takes a sip of his coffee. "You've lived your life on the run for so many years, then in hiding. It's time you lived for yourself, and I don't think living for yourself included approving or disapproving business license to the local supernatural beings."

"It's important to know who comes into this town and stays. Knowing what's going on at these businesses is very important, and there's no other place I'd rather be." You snatch some paperwork up from the table and begin looking it over.

He hums, knowing good and well you're lying through your teeth. "You and I both know exactly where you want to be, baby. Curled up with your ex-lover, watching some cheesy movies and feeding each other blood bags."

You flop the papers against your forehead. "He wasn't my ex-lover, I'm sure he hates those movies, and why would I waste my blood bags on him?" You pull the papers back and begin reading again. "Just because you think he's yummy, doesn't mean I still do. By all means, he's all yours."

He snorts. "Y/N, if I had a dollar for every time you've told yourself that lie, I would be living in a castle by now, and not one of my own creation. Why are you doing this to yourself?"

You huff lightly. "Maybe because I was hunted for nearly a century? Doesn't that give me a good enough reason to not want to be with him anymore? Do I need a better reason than the fact I nearly died at his hands, if Elijah hadn't convinced me to tell my half of the story? I really think that's a good enough reason."

"Not even a little." You fling the papers down as you rest your forehead against the table. He continues. "Correct me if I'm wrong about any of this, but this is how I see it. Yes, what he did to you was horrible, but it's like you've said yourself, it's not like he was hunting you himself. There was some slack on that rope around your neck. If Klaus Mikaelson truly wanted you dead, you would've been killed the first chance he had. The man still loves you, Y/N. I know how it all looks to you, and you've got every single reason to hate him. I truly don't think he would have let you die, though. Yeah, he let you come close to prove a point, or to satisfy his own sick desires, or whatever the case might have been at the given time. I don't believe he would have let you die." He shrugs. "And as handsome as he is, I know better than to get tied up in that family. You, my dear, were born to be a part of it. You're already neck-deep, just submerge yourself and let the past go."

You push yourself up from the chair. "Alright, now, you've killed the mood. Mister, I'm free all week, I'll see you tomorrow for a revisit of these businesses." You collect your things and your coffee. "Thank you for the solid advice, I'll do my best to forget the past. Your advice is now also part of the past." Leaning down, you give a quick kiss to his cheek before walking away. "Thank you." You hear him sigh heavily as you head down the sidewalk. The feeling of something being wrong is growing stronger with every step you take and it's getting to the point where you can't ignore it anymore. As you walk, you begin to fish your phone out of your bag, only to find it ringing.

"Hello?" You answer, the sensation of your stomach lurching into your chest is enough to make your voice shake.

"Y/N? Where are you?" Elijah asks. "I'm at your place. We need to talk." His tone is serious, his voice sounds heavy.

"What's going on?" You ask, trying to steady your voice.

"Just get here, alright? Please... Time is of the essence."

"I'm on my way." Hanging up quickly, you take all the back roads, speeding down them as fast as you can. It's no more than a minute later when you come to a stop at your front yard, where you find Elijah sitting on the steps. Quickly walking over to him, you stoop down in front of him, a few steps down. "What's happened? I can feel it, Elijah. What's going on?"

Forgiveness Is Not A Weakness ~ { Klaus Mikaelson X Reader }Where stories live. Discover now