"Well at least he is trying to escape instead of letting Gunmar get at him." Toby hissed, turning to Nomura. "Yeah, I said it."

"My friends will come for me."

"Aw. I'm sure they miss you, but Killahead is gone, destroyed. Even if they were able to put the pieces back together, they don't have you to open it," Jim faltered at that but continued his work. Nomura scoffed as she listened to the metal collide with the rock. And yet you still scrape. Scrape, scrape, hero-boy."


"I will get out and I will get home. You'll see."

"I'll see you die in here, Trollhunter, just like everything else in here," her laugh was wicked as it echoed through the darkness of the Darklands. The scene switched, the main focus was now viewed through a pair of binoculars as it watched a police man stand under the soft light on the sidewalk, picking up a piece of trash.

"Oh. Oh, no. Oh, no. Nope, not him," Blinky's voice was heard, the camera pointing to a blue car which the Trollhunters huddled in, Blinky keeping the binoculars to his eyes as he grazed the streets.

"Guys, Blinky is in the driver seat. Where the hell did they get that car but hey, I'm glad he gets to drive again. Wait, how is his driving?!" Someone squeaked as Eli let out a small chuckle.

"Just imagine if he would have gotten pulled over."

"We've been on this stakeout forever. Do we even know who we're looking for?" Claire asked.

"It appears Strickler corresponded with a German named Otto Scaarbach."

NotEnrique peered from behind the seat, "That's his name? Might as well call him "Mr. Evil Man." How do you even know he's gonna be here?"

"I "interneted" him," Blinky answered, causing NotEnrique to chuckle and mock him.


"Dude, didn't Steve say that about Jim Lake disease.." Darci said, tilting her head. "Why is everyone using the word interneted?"

"I feel like we should stop internetting things..."

"Silence, you impudent runt!" Blinky hissed. "I interneted him as Strickler, asking to meet. But when he discovers he's been stood up, he'll lead us back to the Janus Order."

Jim looked at the screen in shock, the rest of the students gasping and turning to the troll. Even Vendel had been surprised by the sudden outburst and name-calling.

"Whoa, what the hell..."

"Bro, Blinky. Why are you so mad! THAT WAS HILARIOUS!"

"I'm using that when I'm arguing with someone."

"If anyone's hungry, I got peanut brittle, popcorn, marshmallow goop, and 16 flavors of bubblegum," Toby randomly said, pulling snacks out from his backpack and nearly inhaling five pieces of gum.

"Uh, why does Toby have all that with him?!"

"We get it, Tobes. You just got your braces off."

"Oh. Oh, did you notice?" Toby said excitedly, looking at Claire and giving her a big smile, showing his teeth no longer being supported by metal.

"Wait?! WHAT!?"

"I thought it was going to be four more years?!" Jim watched the screen with a frown. He was going to miss the first day of Tobes losing his braces, which he planned to be a big day because he and Toby had promised to celebrate.

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